in order to cash out you must make a request b4 the 20th? that way its processed & sent out by that day or how does it go? i'm still sorta confused
You can cash out any time you want to as long as you have met the cashout requirements. You can expect payment on or around the 20th of the following month. Some members choose to cash out as soon as they hit the $25 minimum, and some choose to wait until the end of the month, but it's a matter of preference. If you were to cash out on Sept. 12th, for example, you can expect your payment on or about the 20th of October. If you wait until the end of the month, make sure you request your payment by 11:59 pm (PST).
Hope that helps!
thanks, just to make sure i get it....
if i wait till the end of this month, for example the 30th? as long as i cash out b4 midnight i'll receive a payment by oct 20th?
That is correct!! Make sure it's before midnight Pacific Standard Time! If you opted for PayPal or direct deposit, you could see your payment a couple of days earlier than that. If you'll be receiving a check, allow a few days for snail mail.