Ok, I'm an probably the wrong person to take advice from, since my longest relationship was two dates, but here goes nothing.
Don't be too hard on yourself about this. We all want to find someone who will be there for us and love us for our flaws. Generally, people turn piece of themselves off and on depending on who they are with. You might not make a certain joke around strangers cause they might take it wrong. Or you laugh at something that isn't all that funny to you cause the other person finds it hilarious and you don't want to hurt their feelings.
It can take time to find your inner strength. Most of the time I'm fine being alone and then I have a day when everything goes wrong, and I just want to curl into a ball and cry, and my brain has to points out, "and you still don't have a boyfriend." It's going to happen. You are going to have moments when you break down and something foolish happens.
My friend lost her grandma a few months ago. About a month before that happened, her grandma started getting sick and they started talking about how she might die (this was their first death). Around that time, she got back together with a boy she had been dating a while back. The last time they were dating, he broke up with her over a text. He broke up with her again after her grandma died over the phone. And she's dating him again now. So, don't feel bad. You aren't the first person to want to have someone so badly you'd overlook things. It's not cause you are stupid or naive, it's just cause you're looking for love in the wrong place.
The best thing you can do for yourself is figure out what type of person you want to be and what type of relationship/person you are looking for. If anything, get a piece of paper out and write it down so you don't forget. You've already taken a step and realized you don't want to be submissive, so write it down. Then, as you date, continue your list. If a guy does something you don't like, write it down. If you see a part of you that you like, write it down.
My other advice is don't be afraid of being alone. Many of my friends jump from relationship to relationship and they tend to either be with a guy they don't get along with or find a guy that's like the one who just broke their heart. I don't know if they are afraid to be alone or not, but they don't give themselves enough time between boyfriends to look at the relationship and learn from it (at least, I don't think a month is enough time). To me, it seems that people tend to find the person they fit with when they aren't looking cause they aren't trying to attract attention, they are just being him/herself.
I don't know what life has in store for you, but don't let one moment ruin the rest of them. Be upset, it's completely alright. No one wants to be hurt. And once you're ready, move on from this and enjoy your life.