I just want a scientific explanation on why it took over 6,000 years(or 6 billion years if your an evolutionist) to invent some of the stuff we have now.
There's too much to this question to just answer it in a couple of paragraphs. It's also 1:30 AM here so I'll try to answer it the best I can in a small amount of words-
First off, we weren't around 6 billion years ago to invent anything. But we've been inventing stuff for
a lot longer than 6,000 years.
Taking a look at recorded history, once in a while you'll get a person or small group of people to develop something extraordinary. This then serves as/becomes a foundation of everyday life and it is constantly being improved by others. Now consider throughout history the amount of struggles humanity has gone through due to the harsh conditions of nature. Child-death rates were always
extremely high, deadly sicknesses loomed everywhere, weather could be unpredictable and ruin crops thus starvation, etc. etc. What people dont understand is
the basic elements of nature had us under control for an extremely long time by keeping populations in check. But as history progressed, medicines and technology developed which helped us understand and even supress natures harsh burdens. This meant more people could live healthier, longer, and reproduce more. When you have more people in the world, the chances of having those people who develop those extraordinary things improves exponentially. And thus here we are- society evolving at a highly accelerated rate (when compared to the past). We're constantly evolving infrastructure. My brother put it best when we were talking about flight technology a month ago-
"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Ideas. Da Vinci! Nothing. Nothing. Ideas. Wright Brothers! Rockets! Sputnik! THE MOON!!!"BUT PROBLEMS LURK! *GASP*
This is also a major problem because we now see ourselves as conquerors of nature when in reality we're really hurting ourselves by overpopulating the earth. In some ways having people live longer, reproduce more, etc. will ensure other major problems that nature is going to throw at us. Hopefully there will be individuals and groups who will solve the constantly brewing problems we face. One things for certain-- Nature, in a historic sense, is a fierce and fickle
*bleep* to sentient life. It's always a clunky ride and we're always trying to put struts on her.
One theory, (based upon recorded historical events of the last few thousand years), posits that religious superstitions and general ignorance held back some technological progress for as long as it could, (e.g., Galleo, Da Vinci and untold others suppressed by the 'church'). Do the Dark Ages ring any bells?
I believe anyone who stands back and accurately looks at how nature works will realize how absurd the idea of a loving deity really is. As for religion getting in the way of progess, I think Thunderf00t on youtube put it best- "If religious dogma and restrictions weren't a problem in the past, Columbus wouldn't have been discovering america. He would have been landing on the moon."
The question we should be asking is: are we worthy of surviving.
As long as education spreads about how reality works, we will
always be worthy of surviving.