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Topic: Where do you go after death?  (Read 10788 times)


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2010, 01:23:07 pm »
I'm going to Disney World....
Sounds like Fun! In my heaven there will be all the Theme Parks, Best Restaurants, Big Cities, Fancy Cars...etc just without War, Murder, Jail and so on. It's a nice thought  :heart:
Naaaa...let's leave all the big cities over in hell.


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2010, 09:01:52 pm »
Nobody knows, because the people that have died have not came back and told us. I don't thing anybody will know. :peace:


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2010, 09:12:09 pm »
I was raised to believe in heaven and hell. but the older i get, i have read up on other religions, and i really think its just easier for some to believe in one or the other. I mean we really won't know til we get there, right?:)


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2010, 05:59:43 am »
Good people go to Heaven and Bad people go to Hell.


Quote from: debrar
Nobody knows, because the people that have died have not came back and told us.

And I think that's kind of telling, don't you?  How can they "come back" and tell us anything once their brain is destroyed?

Quote from: monajwilk1
I mean we really won't know til we get there, right?

I wish people would stop saying this (no offense).  NO YOU WILL NOT KNOW ONCE YOU DIE BECAUSE YOU WILL BE DEAD!  You won't have a functioning brain anymore to process your surroundings.  Just like *every night* when you fall asleep, you aren't aware of the exact moment you lose is the case with death.  You may know a few minutes leading up to it that you are dying, but when you actually go, it will all be over in an instant, and you're back to the same state as the 14.5 BILLION years before you were born.   :thumbsup:

Quote from: SherylsShado
If someone doesn't believe in God and spends huge amounts of time trying to convince themselves and others that God doesn't exist...when they die, where do you think they will go?

The same place you're going, Sheryl...either 6 feet under at their grave of choice, or with their ashes scattered in nature.

If they discover God does exist and so does Heaven and Hell, then they'll have to realize the Bible and all in it was true...

Yeah, and that everyone's life and the world is a sick cosmic JOKE.  That is what your Biblegod promotes if he is actually real (which is extremely not likely, thankfully).

where do you think they will go, someone that didn't believe in God and can't give Him a reason as to why now He should believe in them?

Where do you think you'll go if the Muslims are right and it is actually Allah who rules the world, not Yahweh?  ;)  You only believe in Jesus because you're an American, case closed.
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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #34 on: June 18, 2010, 08:45:35 am »
Hell, then they'll have to realize the Bible and all in it was true...where do you think they will go, someone that didn't believe in God and can't give Him a reason as to why now He should believe in them?

This question is far beyond your comprehension if you're sticking to bible stories. Why? Christians cannot admit that they are wrong and they dismiss everyone elses beliefs as false except their own. With this mindset, anyone will fail to see anything beyond their little bubble.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 09:12:09 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2010, 11:13:30 am »
Good people go to Heaven and Bad people go to Hell.


Quote from: debrar
Nobody knows, because the people that have died have not came back and told us.

And I think that's kind of telling, don't you?  How can they "come back" and tell us anything once their brain is destroyed?
 Yeah you are right dead is dead. That is it.  :peace:
Quote from: monajwilk1
I mean we really won't know til we get there, right?

I wish people would stop saying this (no offense).  NO YOU WILL NOT KNOW ONCE YOU DIE BECAUSE YOU WILL BE DEAD!  You won't have a functioning brain anymore to process your surroundings.  Just like *every night* when you fall asleep, you aren't aware of the exact moment you lose is the case with death.  You may know a few minutes leading up to it that you are dying, but when you actually go, it will all be over in an instant, and you're back to the same state as the 14.5 BILLION years before you were born.   :thumbsup:

Quote from: SherylsShado
If someone doesn't believe in God and spends huge amounts of time trying to convince themselves and others that God doesn't exist...when they die, where do you think they will go?

The same place you're going, Sheryl...either 6 feet under at their grave of choice, or with their ashes scattered in nature.

If they discover God does exist and so does Heaven and Hell, then they'll have to realize the Bible and all in it was true...

Yeah, and that everyone's life and the world is a sick cosmic JOKE.  That is what your Biblegod promotes if he is actually real (which is extremely not likely, thankfully).

where do you think they will go, someone that didn't believe in God and can't give Him a reason as to why now He should believe in them?

Where do you think you'll go if the Muslims are right and it is actually Allah who rules the world, not Yahweh?  ;)  You only believe in Jesus because you're an American, case closed.


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2010, 11:41:55 am »
Good people go to Heaven and Bad people go to Hell.

Not according to Acts 24:15 which reads 15  and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.  The resurrection itself contradicts any notion that all good people go to heaven and all bad people go to hell. Oh btw Jesus went to hell 0_0.

What does the bible say about life after death?

Let's consider these texts about soul
Genesis 2:7 reads 7  And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.

Genesis 1:24 reads 24  And God went on to say: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.” And it came to be so.

Matthew 20:28 reads 28  Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.”

Jonah 4:8 reads 8  And it came about that, as soon as the sun shone forth, God also went on to appoint a parching east wind, and the sun kept striking upon the head of Jo´nah, so that he was swooning away; and he kept asking that his soul might die, and he repeatedly said: “My dying off is better than my being alive.”

the first verse posted says that man came to be a living soul not that man was already a soul

the second verse says animals have "souls"

the third verse says Jesus sacrified his "soul" for our sins

the fourth verse has Jonah comparing his life to his soul and so they're one in the same and not different

As for spirit here's an article on it
the link below is good to :-D


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2010, 10:05:01 pm »
When we die, we will all go to "Hell-aven". Now, doesn't that sound like a great place? There! Its a nice mix between the two, if I don't say so myself!!!! ;D

All BS aside, if you go to ground in a cemetary, you are recycled back into the earth-wormfood-plain and simple! :thumbsup:

If you are creamated- you get scattered in the ocean or placed at some other senic landmark from your past, shot into space(thats cool!),
OR you have a warm spot waiting for you on Grandma's fireplace in a nice little urn-FOR ETERNITY! :sad1:

If you die a suspicious death-you might be buried at first, and probable cause by a police investigation could have your body exumed further forensic testing...... :dontknow:

If you donate your body to science, you will either get put in a "body farm" where students in medicine and forensics can study the stages of  your decomposition, or your organs will be donated for transplants!

But to answer the question simply-you go to the coroner, you have an autopsy, they record their findings,  you get sewn back together, and once they release your body,you go to the funeral home where one of the creepy employees who is super excited-in a weird way-to get you ready for your funeral and your burial. :thumbsup:

If it's anything like "Mary Jane", by Tom PETTY & the Heartbreakers-type of creepy~your trip might just end up on a couple of unsceduled stops! :wave: :wave:

BUT, NO! Seriously! that's where you go.......

                                                                             Have a nice trip!!!!!!!! :heart: :peace:

« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 10:07:17 pm by tzs »
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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2010, 09:36:05 am »
Have a nice trip!!!!!!!! :heart: :peace:

I'll take it!!  Sounds like it's closer in guarantees with its options than heaven is!!
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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2010, 11:00:23 am »
probably montana


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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2010, 04:14:17 pm »
OK queenofnines...funniest picture I've seen all day!!   :thumbsup:  Luv it!

 ;D  Credit goes to my husband.  He made it.  ;)
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Re: Where do you go after death?
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2010, 02:53:22 pm »
Nobody really knows.

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