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Topic: You are Invited.....  (Read 2628 times)


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You are Invited.....
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:19:26 am »
Relatives and friends of Kindred spirit you are invited to
in the Peace and Dignity Run Boriken 2010 on the Road to 2012

Boriken 2010 is an action of love and respect; it is a spiritual
that will bring our Caribbean Indigenous nations into the fold
of the
Indigenous Nations of Abya Yala already part of the Peace and
This adheres to the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Eagle and the

The spirit of the Hawk joins the circle and the running staffs
we carry
will represent the prayers, the hopes and dreams of our people. The
circle is not complete without us as we were the first Indigenous
nation to suffer in the greatest holocaust in history.

100 years before the Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock, our
people were
already suffering the genocide of the conquest.

A conquest that took the lives of millions upon millions of the
indigenous peoples of Abya Yala.
Thru time our courage, our spirituality , respect and love for
our earth
mother and humanity would help us survive.

Boriken 2010 is a journey of spiritual unification with the
and all of our relatives.
Boriken 2010 will help us prepare for the 2012 Peace and Dignity
Abya Yala .Our staff must join the staffs of all the nations of
Island for we are one people
The original people of these lands.
This is the first Peace and Dignity run in Boriken.
Our people will run from all four directions of the Island to the
center. Runners from other native nations will join us. We will
introduce our staffs into the circle and these staffs will be
carried in
the Peace and Dignity journey of Abya Yala in 2012.

>From each corner of our Island homeland, warriors will run to
the center
stopping to pray at sacred sites along the way. There will be a
down of the ancestral spirits, a calling out to the Boa, the
the Coquis, the Karey the Tanamas, the Kolibri the Guaraguau,
the iguana
and every single animal and or insect totem of our people.

>From the East, the West the North the South to the center. To
the heart
of our island to our Nacan
We will bring our staffs and our relatives will bring their
staffs and
their prayers. We will enter the sacred grounds of our people, the
grounds where the ancestor sleep, here our elders and our medicine
people will be waiting for us along with the elders and medicine
of other relative nations Here we will pray For earth mother's well
being. We will pray for our beloved Boriken and for all of our
Thru the centuries of conquest, we have suffered much. We have
lost a
lot. We have learned much
Yet here we are over 500 years later standing strong and
fighting back.
We have much to share and much yet to learn and relearn. The
time is now
to walk again in the wisdom of the tree of life alongside all of our
relatives on the Red Road.

We will awaken the memory of our DNA and pray for the healing of our
hearts for we carry the pain of the ancestors in our souls. We
will pray
for the spirits of our ancestors, we will pray for the respect and
return of all "That" is sacred to our people
We will pray for peace and harmony among ALL humankind and all
life born
of earth mother's womb.
We will pray together, we will burn tabanuco, copal sage and
sweet grass
We will send our prayers and good thoughts on the wings of the
Eagle and
the Condor into the winds of the four directions.
Boriken 2010 on the road to 2012 is a spiritual journey of
peace, love,
goodwill and understanding among our people and all of our

Our elders in Boriken have given this run their Blessing Our Mexica
relatives are on Board Our Mohawk relatives and Cherokee and other
relatives are on Board …

We the Taino will Welcome our relatives to our homelands

With open hearts and respect we will honor the Red Road

Boriken 2010 on the road to 2012
>From July 17, 2010 - Sunday July 25, 2010.
Location Boriken

http://boriken2010p eaceanddignityjo urney.blogspot. com/
<http://boriken2010p eaceanddignityjo urney.blogspot. com/>
<http://boriken2010p eaceanddignityjo urney.blogspot. com/
<http://boriken2010p eaceanddignityjo urney.blogspot. com/>>


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 09:39:36 am »
The circle is not complete without us as we were the first Indigenous nation to suffer in the greatest holocaust in history.

Couldn't take you seriously after that right there. You do realize that nearly the entire western hemisphere went through just as many trials and tribulations at the hands of Europeans as your "people" did, right? Native Americans don't have the monopoly on hardships, I'm afraid. We have concerns in the present that far outweigh these concerns in the past which can only be learned from, but never truly rectified. Stop livin in the past bro and start helping to create a better future.

I have an infinitesimal respect your culture, by the way.
Abash'd the Devil stood, and he felt how awful goodness is


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 10:08:04 am »
I agree


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 10:22:34 am »
We are now at over 500 years of ongoing genocide of the idigenous peoples of Turtle Island.

I will be back later to  post the UN's definition of genocide, as well as point out which points there of are still being committed today.

In the mean time for your amusement, you might google the numbers of victims of the genocide of my peoples in comparrison of say the Jewish halocaust victims......


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 10:31:03 am »
Bless every soul who tries to halt injustice and cruelty in whatever form it takes.  All peoples have their struggles, and thank the Lord that we are still outraged by it.  We are only lost when the outrage stops.


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2010, 11:30:00 am »
In the mean time for your amusement, you might google the numbers of victims of the genocide of my peoples in comparrison of say the Jewish halocaust victims......

It seems you and I have a much different opinion on what qualifies as amusement. What tribe is this you belong to that suffered as many casualties of the Jews, anyway? Surely by your "people" you're not referring to Native Americans as a whole. If that's the case, you might as well consider all the western hemisphere your "people", hence we're all the same, get it?

The atrocities that happen throughout the course of history are to be learned from, not dwelt upon.  We're all the same people, and the sooner we realize this the sooner we will all learn to live in peace with ourselves and other cultures. My heart goes out to the victims of today's genocidists.
Abash'd the Devil stood, and he felt how awful goodness is


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2010, 09:39:04 pm »
In the mean time for your amusement, you might google the numbers of victims of the genocide of my peoples in comparrison of say the Jewish halocaust victims......

It seems you and I have a much different opinion on what qualifies as amusement. What tribe is this you belong to that suffered as many casualties of the Jews, anyway? Surely by your "people" you're not referring to Native Americans as a whole. If that's the case, you might as well consider all the western hemisphere your "people", hence we're all the same, get it?

The atrocities that happen throughout the course of history are to be learned from, not dwelt upon.  We're all the same people, and the sooner we realize this the sooner we will all learn to live in peace with ourselves and other cultures. My heart goes out to the victims of today's genocidists.
Care to compare DNA? get it?

It seems that that isn't the only thing we have a much different opinion on.....all the same people my *bleep*!
I am not American any thing, I am Tsalagi! I will not submit to any form of forced, encouraged, coerced or other wise suggested assimilation.
Take your dip in the proverbial melting pot, I will not disgrace my Ancestors with such blatant disrespect for their sacrifices.

As promised.......

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

While a precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). Article 2 of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Let's examine these acts one at a time.......

1-killing members of the group.

"By conservative estimates, the population of the United states prior to European contact was greater than 12 million. Four centuries later, the count was reduced by 95% to 237 thousand."

2-causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.

" An interpreter living in the village testified, "THEY WERE SCALPED, THEIR BRAINS KNOCKED OUT; THE MEN USED THEIR KNIVES, RIPPED OPEN WOMEN, CLUBBED LITTLE CHILDREN, KNOCKED THEM IN THE HEAD WITH THEIR RIFLE BUTTS, BEAT THEIR BRAINS OUT, MUTILATED THEIR BODIES IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD." By the end of the one-sided battle as many as 200 Indians, more than half women and children, had been killed and mutilated.
   While the Sand Creek Massacre outraged easterners, it seemed to please many people in Colorado Territory. Chivington later appeared on a Denver stage where he regaled delighted audiences with his war stories and displayed 100 Indian scalps, including the pubic hairs of women."

3-deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

" Some figures state that the life expectancy on the Reservation is 48 years old for men and 52 for women. Other reports state that the average life expectancy on the Reservation is 45 years old.  These statistics are far from the 77.5 years of age life expectancy average found in the United States as a whole.  According to current USDA Rural Development documents, the Lakota have the lowest life expectancy of any group in America.


§         Teenage suicide rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation is 150% higher than the U.S. national average for this age group.


§         The infant mortality rate is the highest on this continent and is about 300% higher than the U.S. national average.


§         More than half the Reservation's adults battle addiction and disease.  Alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and malnutrition are pervasive.


§         The rate of diabetes on the Reservation is reported to be 800% higher than the U.S. national average.


§         Recent reports indicate that almost 50% of the adults on the Reservation over the age of 40 have diabetes.


§         As a result of the high rate of diabetes on the Reservation, diabetic-related blindness, amputations, and kidney failure are common.


§         The tuberculosis rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately 800% higher than the U.S. national average.


§         Cervical cancer is 500% higher than the U.S. national average.


§         It is reported that at least 60% of the homes on the Pine Ridge Reservation are infested with Black Mold, Stachybotrys.  This infestation causes an often-fatal condition with infants, children, elderly, those with damaged immune systems, and those with lung and pulmonary conditions at the highest risk.  Exposure to this mold can cause hemorrhaging of the lungs and brain as well as cancer."

4- imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

"The Native American population has also been subjected to forced sterilization. From 1973 to 1976, for example, 3,406 American Indian women were sterilized"


5-forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

"The goal of Indian education from the 1880s through the 1920s was to assimilate Indian people into the melting pot of America by placing them in institutions where traditional ways could be replaced by those sanctioned by the government. Federal Indian policy called for the removal of children from their families and in many cases enrollment in a government run boarding school. In this way, the policy makers believed, young people would be immersed in the values and practical knowledge of the dominant American society while also being kept away from any influences imparted by their traditionally-minded relatives. "

Now that it has been demonstrated that the US government has and continues to commit genocide against, among others, the indigenous of this land, let it be understood that any who has knowledge of these acts and gives aid, comfort and/or support are accessories after-the-fact and will soon become accessories before the fact, and shall be held accountable as such.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 09:42:36 pm by walksalone11 »


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2010, 08:52:17 am »
I can see why you walk alone, lulz.

Care to compare DNA? get it?

This is bout the dumbest point you could have made for your argument, unless every member of your tribe is your identical twin. We all have different DNA-- it's what makes us all different. Even still, we all share the same basic DNA make-up-- all that truly separates us as human beings is our skin pigmentation and bigots like yourself that place great stock in such "differences." I'm sorry to tell you, brother, but even if every person in your tribe was related to you by blood, they'd still share the same DNA as, say, a tribe in Africa, or anyone else in the world for that matter. You're basically arguing against yourself with that statement.

It seems that that isn't the only thing we have a much different opinion on.....all the same people my *bleep*! I am not American any thing, I am Tsalagi!

In which case you have no right to make the claim that your "people" have suffered more casualties than the Jews. The Trail of Tears claimed upwards to about 10k deaths. Compare that to over 1 million Jewish lives that were extinguished due to the Holocaust alone. I think you'll agree that your "people", by comparison, have no idea what it means to suffer at the hands of injustice, so you can stop playing the martyr.

Take your dip in the proverbial melting pot, I will not disgrace my Ancestors with such blatant disrespect for their sacrifices.

You're just denying the inevitable here, guy. We're all destined to come together as one people, regardless of how hard dying cultures such as your own may fight against it. I hope the world never forgets the Tsalagi, or the Incans-- or the humpback whales, for that matter. But we will, and while I'm indeed sorry for it, we'd have an easier time stopping the sun from rising than we would trying to prevent the assimilation of your "people" into modern culture.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 09:03:08 am by angel379227 »
Abash'd the Devil stood, and he felt how awful goodness is


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 08:38:08 pm »
I guess everyone else who tried to totally assimilate us for the past 500 plus years were just under acheivers.....yeah that must be it.

Good luck with that.


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Re: You are Invited.....
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 09:12:10 pm »
I think it is fair to say that all human races have been subjected to horrid discrimination, etc... The Irish? The american colonists? Cambodia? Jews? Indians? Blacks? You name it, there is a horror story in each of our histories...

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