I think I understand what you're asking. When you cash out, the amount of money (at least $25.00) you cash out is put on hold, pending review by FusionCash. If everything looks good, you'll receive your money on or around the 20th of the month following the time you requested your cashout. From the look of your screen shot, you requested a cashout sometime recently, and therefore will recieve your money on or around February 20th.
I think what you're asking, and correct me if I'm wrong, is what happens to money you start earning after requesting the cashout. That money starts accumulating for your next cashout. After you cashed out, if you went to your account page, you'd see that your current balance was $0.00 and you had a cashout balance (whatever it may be) which is "pending". Any offers you complete after cashing out start adding up to your current balance.
Whatever amount there was when you cashed out will be the amount you will recieve on or around the 20th of February. Any offers you complete after you requested the cashout won't add to your requested cashout amount. So, once you reach $25.00 again in your current balance (and $15.00 is from offers) you can request another cashout. If you want to add more to the amount you cashed out for already to receive a bigger check, you need to cancel your pending cashout, which you can do without penalty. The amount you requested for cashout will return to your current balance. You can cashout as late as January 31st to still get your payment on or around February 20th. So, if you want to receive a bigger check in February, I would suggest canceling your pending payment and requesting another cashout on January 31st. But, just DON'T FORGET to request it by then or else you will have to wait until the 20th of March to receive your money if you wait until sometime in February. Or, leave it as it is and start working towards an all new cashout if you think you might forget to cashout again by the end of the month.
Hope this was of some help.