My brother told me this one. I thought it was cute.
Forrest Gump dies, goes to heaven and Saint Peter tells him
"Forrest you have to answer three questions right to get into heaven. You will have one day to think about it.
1.What two days of the week start with a T? seconds in a year?
3. What is God's first name?
Forrest said okay.
The next day Saint Peter ask Forrest if he has the answers?
Forrest said yes.
Saint Peter said Ok Forrest what two days start with a t.
Forrest said "This was easy . It is today and tomorrow. Saint Peter said although that is not what I had in mind I will let you slide. How many seconds in a year? Forrest said 12. Saint Peter said how do you get 12. Forrest says Jan 2, Feb 2, March 2 and so on. Saint Peter just shook his head and said okay. How about the third question? What is God's first name?
Forrest said "This one was hard but I think I got it. It is Andy
Saint Peter said How in all the is holy did you come up with Andy?
Forrest said "And he walks with me ansd he talks with me
Saint Peter opens up the pearly gates and Says Run Forrest Run