I was taught the Pledge of Allegiance from a child. Whenever I say it, I add an Amen at the end. A pledge is a solemn promise or undertaking. When many people take a pledge, God is an important part of it. If you personally do not want to include God in your pledge to this country, then don't. Just modify the words to suit you. That's the beauty of America. You are free to not even recite the pledge at all. For those who fear God, even if you took the word "God" out, that would not make God disappear.
I was taught pledge too as a child.
I was also brought up a catholic and even as a child saw many holes in the teachings and how it DIDNT support the bible which in turn taught me that this world lies in the power of Satan and how he controls the political and religeous teachings in this world.
Luke 6:43
“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit,
You can look at history and see so called professed Xtians killed themselves...certainly not a love for each other as Jesus said they should have.
I saw 50 yrs ago there is only 1 sect that adheres to the bible and that is Jehovahs people.And they are a worldwide brotherhood that has love among themselves.
Please show me another sect that KNOWS the TRUE Gods name and uses it as Jesus said should be made known.Please dont say the Muslims cos they use Allah.Allah is another name for god...IOW a title.The name Jehovah means,"He causes to become".
A good example of how Jehovah will back up what his name means is the scripture,God created the earth to be inhabited forever.His original purpose with A&E.
It puts to bed what many religeons teach about mankind going to heaven or hell at death.
144000 do go to heaven to rule with Jesus from mankind but zillions will live under paradisic conditions once Gods kingdom governs this planet and Satan and the wicked are gone.And a place where people are tormented <hell>doesnt exist.
Death is back to dust or non-existence.Jesus proved that also with Lazarus.And Eccl 9:5 explains.And also what God told Adam.Back to dust.Dust isnt life.