The Congressional House has passed many bills which are still laying on McConnell's desk. This is unacceptable when you consider the nature of some of these bills. For example, both major and minor legislation have been included in this logjam: healthcare reform, climate change, food safety, financial aid for the U.S. postal service, a job security act for wounded veterans, a Civil War battlefield preservation act, vision care for children, the naming of a federal courthouse in Iowa after former rep. Jim Leach (R-Iowa), a National Historic Park named for Jimmy Carter, a bill to improve absentee ballot voting, a bill to improve cybersecurity, and the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
If you are from Kentucky or have family or friends there, please vote for Amy McGrath as Mitch is an obstructionist idiot! It's not even about partisanship, it's about doing something for the people of this country and not a personal agenda and power!