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Topic: Hand Sanitizer  (Read 4950 times)


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2020, 12:42:55 pm »
We keep big containers of hand sanitizer in the office and at home I just wash my hands.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2020, 12:59:46 pm »
I haven't checked the stores for it recently but I keep it stocked in our office because my coworkers love it. Personally, I don't use it because of how it makes my hands feel; I'd rather wash my hands.

If I had the emojis I would be inserting one for rolling eyes here.  smh  You can't wash your hands every time you touch something.  And this does not absorb through your hands so washing your hands is not going to keep you from getting an air borne illness.  I wash my hands as well.  So do most people.  But there are times you do not have access and using sanitizer is an added plus.  And saying don't touch your face is stupid too.  You don't even realize how many times you do it.

Here you go:  ::)

Haha! I didn't say nor insinuate that anyone would be able to wash their hands every time they touch something. I just said I'd rather wash my own... I'm glad you wash yours, too.  :thumbsup: And obviously there are times where hand sanitizer comes in handy which is why I said I still buy it.

And it doesn't seem like you know, but you can still contract an airborne illness by touching surfaces where the virus has landed.

Also, I didn't mention anything about not touching your face so have at it if you want. I honestly don't care what you do.

The point is that is all every body is screaming. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. My point is this does not absorb through your hands so 'washing your hands' will not prevent you from getting this.  It is airborne. Do you even know what that means? Obviously most do not because they do not seen to grasp it.

I actually know quite a bit about it.  I would venture to say more than you.  I am glad that talking down to me makes you feel better about yourself. lol  It is pathetic that people cannot have a conversation with out getting all butt hurt and trying to fight.

Here is the reality - this world is out of control and things are bad and getting worse. We can swim together or we can sink together. And unfortunately we are going to sink.

Nor will hand sanitizer prevent you from contracting the virus. These are all just steps to be preventative and slow down the transmission rate. Do you think people are expecting the soap and/or hand sanitizer to sink into their skin and fight the virus like an antibody or vaccine?

And yes, I know what airborne means (transported by air). But you clearly still don't understand that airborne particles eventually must land/settle. Settle, for instance, on a surface - an object, skin or whatever you wish to imagine. Yes, some viral particles may settle into your body when you breathe them in, but other "respiratory droplets" might also land on said surfaces that come in contact with someone's hands/skin. And you've mentioned before that people touch their faces so there are many easy entry points (mainly eyes, nose & mouth) for any virus. That's where hand washing and hand sanitizers come in to play to help mitigate its spread. It's quite apparent you feel you know more than I do on the subject (which frankly wouldn't matter to me if you actually somehow do).

LMAO! You must be hurt that I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." I simply responded to each comment you made as you failed at trying to educate me on my own post. Honestly, why comment on someone's post if you're going to overreact and feel attacked when they issue a response?

And it's not likely that everyone will take precautions so if we "sink" so be it. But like I said, I'd rather wash my hands.  ;)

I clearly understand it better than you.  And I clearly am not an Ahole that has to insult people to feel superior.

I am not trying to "educate you" on anything.  I simply state the truth.  I could care less what you believe or what you do.  Doesn't effect me whatsoever because you are not in my area nor my life.  So if you get this or you die from it - again it won't effect me.  And yes, you clearly (since you seem to love that phrase) are trying to fight.

And again, I could turn what you say to me around on you.  Why comment on my post if you are just going to be offended and tell me everything I say is wrong.  I have not over reacted to anything.  Simply as you said responded to comments. 

The point is "washing your hands" is not going to keep you from getting this.  Or anything else for that matter.  If it is airborne then just breathing in the vicinity of people who have whatever it is will put you at risk.

No, you thought you were going to teach me a thing or 2 by saying washing your hands isn't going to keep you from getting this illness because it's airborne. You clearly don't understand the issue better than I do because you don't understand the term airborne yourself like you've claimed. I made an initial comment about my preferences and you decided to insert yourself. It's not that hard to understand: you responded on my post, so I responded back. What do they say about if you can't take the heat? And just because someone insinuates you're wrong how does that mean they're offended?  ???

I can't help that you're so fragile that you were offended by me replying to your initial comments. I guess you don't remember or didn't care to reread what you wrote but you brought up fighting (which I'm failing to see from my end. Simply just responding on a point by point basis). Now you're echoing what I said earlier - I don't care. And you honestly shouldn't either. You can continue to project all you want. Have at it! I just don't want you to disillusion yourself into thinking your "truths" are facts. Also, you don't know if I'm in your area or not; we never discussed our locations. But if I get sick or die, so be it. Same with you. Life will go on.

And it's ignorant to think that you speak the truth. No, these are your opinions. You are evidently one of those people that doesn't understand that we each have these and like to try force yours onto others. That won't work with me. And you are clearly no expert on this seeing that you don't even understand airborne transmission. I suggest at least looking up the CDC basic webpage for Corona Virus and maybe they'll be able to detail what I'm saying in a way you'll be able to understand because I won't continue to try and explain it to you. You keep ignoring what I said and inserting your "truths" regardless.

But this is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  :thumbsup: 8)

No you are being stupid.  I did not think I was going to teach you anything.  Could not care less what you know.

And I am not offended by you.  You are nothing to me.  Could not care any less what you do or what you think.  It is a public forum.  Don't post if you don't want people to comment back.

And yes, I can pretty much guarantee you are not in my area.

Hopefully after your little tell me off rant LOL you feel better.  What I said IS the truth.  Believe it or don't.  Not going to sit and argue with you.  Because I do not care.  Go kiss somebody that has this virus.  And then wash your hands and you should be fine.

This is a link to the cdc's website about preventing coronavirus transmission.

The very first thing it says under "Take steps to protect yourself" is:

Clean your hands often
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2020, 02:13:34 pm »
I haven't checked the stores for it recently but I keep it stocked in our office because my coworkers love it. Personally, I don't use it because of how it makes my hands feel; I'd rather wash my hands.

If I had the emojis I would be inserting one for rolling eyes here.  smh  You can't wash your hands every time you touch something.  And this does not absorb through your hands so washing your hands is not going to keep you from getting an air borne illness.  I wash my hands as well.  So do most people.  But there are times you do not have access and using sanitizer is an added plus.  And saying don't touch your face is stupid too.  You don't even realize how many times you do it.

Here you go:  ::)

Haha! I didn't say nor insinuate that anyone would be able to wash their hands every time they touch something. I just said I'd rather wash my own... I'm glad you wash yours, too.  :thumbsup: And obviously there are times where hand sanitizer comes in handy which is why I said I still buy it.

And it doesn't seem like you know, but you can still contract an airborne illness by touching surfaces where the virus has landed.

Also, I didn't mention anything about not touching your face so have at it if you want. I honestly don't care what you do.

The point is that is all every body is screaming. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. My point is this does not absorb through your hands so 'washing your hands' will not prevent you from getting this.  It is airborne. Do you even know what that means? Obviously most do not because they do not seen to grasp it.

I actually know quite a bit about it.  I would venture to say more than you.  I am glad that talking down to me makes you feel better about yourself. lol  It is pathetic that people cannot have a conversation with out getting all butt hurt and trying to fight.

Here is the reality - this world is out of control and things are bad and getting worse. We can swim together or we can sink together. And unfortunately we are going to sink.

Nor will hand sanitizer prevent you from contracting the virus. These are all just steps to be preventative and slow down the transmission rate. Do you think people are expecting the soap and/or hand sanitizer to sink into their skin and fight the virus like an antibody or vaccine?

And yes, I know what airborne means (transported by air). But you clearly still don't understand that airborne particles eventually must land/settle. Settle, for instance, on a surface - an object, skin or whatever you wish to imagine. Yes, some viral particles may settle into your body when you breathe them in, but other "respiratory droplets" might also land on said surfaces that come in contact with someone's hands/skin. And you've mentioned before that people touch their faces so there are many easy entry points (mainly eyes, nose & mouth) for any virus. That's where hand washing and hand sanitizers come in to play to help mitigate its spread. It's quite apparent you feel you know more than I do on the subject (which frankly wouldn't matter to me if you actually somehow do).

LMAO! You must be hurt that I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." I simply responded to each comment you made as you failed at trying to educate me on my own post. Honestly, why comment on someone's post if you're going to overreact and feel attacked when they issue a response?

And it's not likely that everyone will take precautions so if we "sink" so be it. But like I said, I'd rather wash my hands.  ;)

I clearly understand it better than you.  And I clearly am not an Ahole that has to insult people to feel superior.

I am not trying to "educate you" on anything.  I simply state the truth.  I could care less what you believe or what you do.  Doesn't effect me whatsoever because you are not in my area nor my life.  So if you get this or you die from it - again it won't effect me.  And yes, you clearly (since you seem to love that phrase) are trying to fight.

And again, I could turn what you say to me around on you.  Why comment on my post if you are just going to be offended and tell me everything I say is wrong.  I have not over reacted to anything.  Simply as you said responded to comments. 

The point is "washing your hands" is not going to keep you from getting this.  Or anything else for that matter.  If it is airborne then just breathing in the vicinity of people who have whatever it is will put you at risk.

No, you thought you were going to teach me a thing or 2 by saying washing your hands isn't going to keep you from getting this illness because it's airborne. You clearly don't understand the issue better than I do because you don't understand the term airborne yourself like you've claimed. I made an initial comment about my preferences and you decided to insert yourself. It's not that hard to understand: you responded on my post, so I responded back. What do they say about if you can't take the heat? And just because someone insinuates you're wrong how does that mean they're offended?  ???

I can't help that you're so fragile that you were offended by me replying to your initial comments. I guess you don't remember or didn't care to reread what you wrote but you brought up fighting (which I'm failing to see from my end. Simply just responding on a point by point basis). Now you're echoing what I said earlier - I don't care. And you honestly shouldn't either. You can continue to project all you want. Have at it! I just don't want you to disillusion yourself into thinking your "truths" are facts. Also, you don't know if I'm in your area or not; we never discussed our locations. But if I get sick or die, so be it. Same with you. Life will go on.

And it's ignorant to think that you speak the truth. No, these are your opinions. You are evidently one of those people that doesn't understand that we each have these and like to try force yours onto others. That won't work with me. And you are clearly no expert on this seeing that you don't even understand airborne transmission. I suggest at least looking up the CDC basic webpage for Corona Virus and maybe they'll be able to detail what I'm saying in a way you'll be able to understand because I won't continue to try and explain it to you. You keep ignoring what I said and inserting your "truths" regardless.

But this is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  :thumbsup: 8)

No you are being stupid.  I did not think I was going to teach you anything.  Could not care less what you know.

And I am not offended by you.  You are nothing to me.  Could not care any less what you do or what you think.  It is a public forum.  Don't post if you don't want people to comment back.

And yes, I can pretty much guarantee you are not in my area.

Hopefully after your little tell me off rant LOL you feel better.  What I said IS the truth.  Believe it or don't.  Not going to sit and argue with you.  Because I do not care.  Go kiss somebody that has this virus.  And then wash your hands and you should be fine.

This is a link to the cdc's website about preventing coronavirus transmission.

The very first thing it says under "Take steps to protect yourself" is:

Clean your hands often
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

THANK YOU 1imaginarygirl!!! I just can't put it in plainer words for countrygirl12.

@countrygirl12 I'm glad you finally understand what I'm saying to you since you keep repeating my words back to me. Whew! Am I supposed to be hurt? I am a stranger to you so I hope I don't mean anything to you. LOL!

You can comment to me all you want; I just said you shouldn't "comment on someone's post if you're going to overreact and feel attacked when they issue a response." You clearly felt attacked from the jump which is why you keep throwing around terms like butt hurt, stupid, Ahole, etc. Calm down. Breathe. And stop projecting.

I'll repeat myself: it's just a forum and these are opinions so you cannot be right. Get over it. But you are wrong on the hand washing topic. And yes, I feel much better after saying my piece.  :)  ;)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 02:21:58 pm by nickylanena »
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2020, 05:44:35 pm »

LOL You are doing the exact same thing you accuse me of.  Don't care if you are hurt. And nope you mean nothing to me.  I did not over react.  I simply responded back.  And yes, I can be right.  If I can't be right then neither can you.  And no I am not wrong.  You can spout that all you want.  But I am not wrong.  Yes you should wash your hands  Just like you should bathe every day.  But simply washing your hands will not prevent you from getting this.  That is my point.  It does not absorb through your hands.  Their have been multiple people who did not touch the person who was sick or anything they touched.  So you can repeat yourself all you want.  Doesn't make you right.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2020, 07:14:25 pm »

LOL You are doing the exact same thing you accuse me of.  Don't care if you are hurt. And nope you mean nothing to me.  I did not over react.  I simply responded back.  And yes, I can be right.  If I can't be right then neither can you.  And no I am not wrong.  You can spout that all you want.  But I am not wrong.  Yes you should wash your hands  Just like you should bathe every day.  But simply washing your hands will not prevent you from getting this.  That is my point.  It does not absorb through your hands.  Their have been multiple people who did not touch the person who was sick or anything they touched.  So you can repeat yourself all you want.  Doesn't make you right.

I will return the gesture and repeat my main points to you: Viruses may be breathed in by "people who did not touch the person who was sick or anything they touched." Viruses might also land on surfaces that people will touch. A virus doesn't function in 1 manner. Nobody other than you is insinuating that A) people are expecting the soap and/or hand sanitizer to sink into their skin and fight the virus like an antibody or vaccine and B) washing your hands is going to 100% prevent people from getting sick.

It's OK that you don't care and we've established that I mean nothing to you. You love trying to reiterate my points (about you being hurt, not caring, only responding to comments, etc.), but I understand that some people can't articulate things on their own. You can be right but you are not on this particular matter. Sorry!  :dontknow: :wave:
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 10:09:17 pm by nickylanena »
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2020, 11:44:46 pm »
selling otu


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2020, 03:31:36 am »

LOL You are doing the exact same thing you accuse me of.  Don't care if you are hurt. And nope you mean nothing to me.  I did not over react.  I simply responded back.  And yes, I can be right.  If I can't be right then neither can you.  And no I am not wrong.  You can spout that all you want.  But I am not wrong.  Yes you should wash your hands  Just like you should bathe every day.  But simply washing your hands will not prevent you from getting this.  That is my point.  It does not absorb through your hands.  Their have been multiple people who did not touch the person who was sick or anything they touched.  So you can repeat yourself all you want.  Doesn't make you right.

I will return the gesture and repeat my main points to you: Viruses may be breathed in by "people who did not touch the person who was sick or anything they touched." Viruses might also land on surfaces that people will touch. A virus doesn't function in 1 manner. Nobody other than you is insinuating that A) people are expecting the soap and/or hand sanitizer to sink into their skin and fight the virus like an antibody or vaccine and B) washing your hands is going to 100% prevent people from getting sick.

It's OK that you don't care and we've established that I mean nothing to you. You love trying to reiterate my points (about you being hurt, not caring, only responding to comments, etc.), but I understand that some people can't articulate things on their own. You can be right but you are not on this particular matter. Sorry!  :dontknow: :wave:

You need some serious help. You sound like a 5 year old.  We can go back and forth with this you are wrong you are right for days.  You can scream I am wrong til you die.  Doesn't mean I am.  You are so busy trying to fight and shove down my throat that I am wrong you do not even read what I am saying.  You actually just totally agreed with me.  So basically you are doing the exact same thing you accuse me of in every single aspect.  How sad.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2020, 11:43:23 am »
Prell, GermX & other sanitizer companies are making more as we speak.

If you can

The Better (Spray) Recipe
Isopropyl alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Distilled water
Spray bottle

The aloe mixture gets the job done, but aloe also leaves your skin annoyingly sticky. So, here's a recipe that's less sticky and more potent, based on the mix recommended by the WHO.

Mix 1 ⅔ cups alcohol with 2 teaspoons of glycerol. You can buy jugs of glycerol online, and it's an important ingredient because it keeps the alcohol from drying out your hands. If you can't find glycerol, proceed with the rest of the recipe anyway and just remember to moisturize your hands after applying the sanitizer.

Mix in 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, then another ¼ cup of distilled or boiled water. (If you're working with a lower-concentration solution of rubbing alcohol, use far less water; remember, at least ⅔ of your final mixture has to be alcohol.)

Load the solution into spray bottles—this isn't a gel, it's a spray. You can wet a paper towel with it as well and use that as a wipe.

If you must, you can add in a splash of essential oil to your concoction to make it smell nice. Just don’t use lavender. Everyone else uses lavender, and your sanitizer is superior.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2020, 05:44:24 pm »
Yep same here and we needed toilet paper was on last roll and grocery store had none..
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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #39 on: March 13, 2020, 03:33:28 am »
I made some last week when I sent my husband to buy some and it was sold out. I did go to walmart a few days ago and they had just gotten in the travel size so I grabbed a few. I guess a lady was there a little before me and took 50 of them so they were starting to put limits on it.


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2020, 05:55:46 am »
I made some last week when I sent my husband to buy some and it was sold out. I did go to walmart a few days ago and they had just gotten in the travel size so I grabbed a few. I guess a lady was there a little before me and took 50 of them so they were starting to put limits on it.

See I don't see buying 50. I  have not witnessed that.  If it is the travel size I can see getting 3-4.  I got one big one a couple weeks ago.  I wish I had got 2 now since you can't find it any where.  As of last night our Walmart has put limits on several items.  Someone had sent me a picture that was at the register.

But in the defense of the woman who you said got 50 - it still does not mean she is "hoarding" (the new favorite word).  She could have been purchasing for her church.  A lot of people are also doing that.  Things are crazy right now and I am not judging people for trying to prepare for something you do not know where or how it will end.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 05:57:38 am by countrygirl12 »


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #41 on: March 13, 2020, 05:59:57 am »
i was told by a nurse that washing your hands for 30 seconds was better than sanitizer...some of these places are getting ridiculous on theiur prices because of this..some people just need some of this becasue of other health concerns..
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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #42 on: March 14, 2020, 10:45:42 am »
Never use it


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Re: Hand Sanitizer
« Reply #43 on: March 14, 2020, 11:15:10 am »
I wash my hands more thoroughly and mindfully than previously.  I say Lord's Prayer as I wash them.  At work, we also have hand sanitizer available....but hand washing is first step of Universal Precautions.
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