Media plays a big part of the school shootings and I think they should to take some of the blame for them happening as often as they do because I remember right before the 'Woman's March for Life' after the shooting in Florida there was a massive PA school killing that never made the media. Why? Because the killer used a knife and had several on him. That certainly would have made the march worthless since they were supposedly marching to stop violence. The truth was that march wasn't about life it was about gun control which is why the poor PA school never made national headlines. Everyone is going to take sides, but as I point out with the PA school, that I had to find out on my own through a PA news website, it is not about the weapon used but about who is doing the killing. If we really want to stop these school shootings, 1. stop flashing them all over the media/interntet and making these killers out to be some kind of hero by given them fifteen minutes of fame and 2, teach people how to deal with their anger. If someone has a problem with someone else the thought of killing that person should NEVER enter their minds. I mean one of the senseless school shootings was because a girl broke up with a guy. Seriously, I mean if people learned how to deal with anger, if they knew there were others with the same problems they could reach out to for help, I doubt they would look to kill first. This is the issue that needs to be addressed. This is because even if you take the gun out of the hand of the killer, but leave the anger, they will just use another weapon to kill. Just think of all the deadly weapons in your local hardware store. Okay, ban guns but are you then going to start banning saws, drills, nailguns etc.? Take the anger from the person, they won't kill. Take the weapon, they still will. It's really simple logic.