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Topic: Michigan College School Shooting  (Read 2335 times)


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Re: Michigan College School Shooting
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2018, 01:02:40 pm »
So many children are taught that the world  does not owe them anything, the parents don't owe them anything .  They have never been told NO and the if and when they are they just go into a blind rage, also never taught any respect, no morals.  You see it every day any more  out in public and some home life. Then people wonder what happened to them.


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Re: Michigan College School Shooting
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2018, 04:54:53 pm »
A 19 year old young man seems to have shot both his parents at Central Michigan University here in Michigan.  The police are saying it is a "domestic incident."  Evidently, the police had to be called the night before because the kid was "acting out" due to what appears to be a drug overdose. It is now 6pm and evidently this happened much earlier this morning.

It goes on and on.  Now a young man has shot his parents on a campus.  It looks like the father was a policeman in Illinois.  I haven't heard any further information.  What is wrong in America?  Shootings over and over!

He is not a kid.  He is 19.  He is an adult.  I had not heard about this at all.
What is wrong with America?  Goes back to how you were raised as a kid.  You cannot raise a kid giving them everything they want, being their best friend, never saying no, and teaching them the world revolves solely around them and no one can ever tell them no or disagree with them.  Cause when they grow up and hit the real world they don't know how to handle it.

I agree countrygirl12  100%  KIDS are spoiled and clueless.

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