(Long story) As a young girl (around 12-13), I was so in love with all the gangsters like Humphrey Bogart, Jame Cagney, and George Raft. Back then, my mom used to get the different gossip rags like National Enquirer, The Star, and other ones no longer in business. i mad a scrapbook of everything George Raft (if was his voice and his dancing that got me-I think deep voices are sexy-LOL), Whenever i would see where George Raft may be living, I'd send a letter telling how crazy I was about his movies and him. i had sent to Cold Water Canyon, Havana Cuba (because he had a club there) but they all came back. Finally, I saw where he had the Sportsmen's Club in England and sent a letter there. It was my last hope and I told him so.
A month later, I got a handwritten letter from him and an autographed photo!! Needless to say, I was in 7th heaven. I still have the scrapbook, letter, and photo today.
I've never checked to see if his stuff was worth anything.......yet.
Another autograph I got was from Jerry Reed (country singer and movie actor). He was playing at a local auditorium and hubby and I got free tickets from a guy we would cut and deliver firewood (part time extra cash job). Sadly, when we moved, the poster with his autograph was lost. Oh, well.