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Topic: Referral's - The Begining Stepa  (Read 626 times)


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Referral's - The Begining Stepa
« on: June 11, 2017, 04:37:00 pm »
Hello all, This post I will start off by saying is in no violation of the TOS of Fusion Cash or any of it's advertisers. What I want to do is begin a series of steps you can take in order to generate referral's.

Q. What is a Referral?
To answer that in simple terms goes by several names....a prospect, a lead....whatever you may think it is it's a way to get someone to join your program.

I will tell you if your on Fusion Cash "referral's" is where it is at. I recently did some calculations and believe me Fusion Cash will reward you for those who you bring in. For those of you who are new Fusion Cash they will pay you $1.00 when the referral completes there email confirmation, $2.00 when they complete there first offer of $0.50 or more and $5.00 when they complete there first cash-out and that $5.00 is FOR LIFE!

What most people who don't realize there is one thing and that is there math involved. Yes I said it math! But for this case you don't need a pencil and paper all you need are your eye ball's and a clear view of your screen.

For example:

Referrals                     $1.00                    $2.00              $5.00
50 people                   $50.00                $100.00           $250.00
100 people                $100.00                $200.00           $500.00
800 people                $800.00              $1,600.00        $4,000.00
1000 people            $1,000.00              $2,000.00        $5,000.00

As you can see by my example it's clear that MONEY can be made in referral's right!

Q. So how can you get these Referral's?
Well to get these referrals you have to promote yourself, you have to get off the chair and work it like a business. (TIP: Don't oversell the idea) Let them come to you. Present the idea in a non-threatening way and you will see result's. You don't want to rush and say for example: "Hi _________(there name), would you like to join my Fusion Cash Program, you make $5.00 when you sign -up", (wrong)! Try this approach, "Hi _________(there name), how is your day going? (Get to know them) (TIP: This could take day's, weeks, month's)...See the difference.

You have to lead them to your information by using examples. Show them a website, a Youtube Video, something you feel is important so they will ask you question's. Then once you get question's answer them honestly and openly. (TIP: exchange email addresses) only if they are comfortable. That way you can have a way to answer them in a more private setting.

Once they are ready and all the questions have been answered and they respond "sounds good, where do I sign-up", that's when you show them your "referral link". This way they can sign-up under you and you can help walk them through the process.

You must remind the referral it only takes 5 short minutes to complete and as each of the 1-2-3 steps are met you look at your "My account" tab and you will see prospect A, B and C have done there email confirmation and offer that's when if they allow you to email them you help motivate them. Studies have show that most referral's give up in the first 10 day's because they either don't understand or there was no support.

To conclude this post this is a first in a series of thing's I wish to cover and I hope they help you build your downline effectively and you see result's.

Good Luck

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