I don't understand when people comment that there are no surveys for March in FC surveys. There are tons of surveys every single day in the normal survey area, and when you get tired of those, there are surveys in Peanut Labs. Even if you get disqualified for every one you take, it's a DQ point.
If you can get to 30 DQ points per day, that is around $9 per month just to get disqualified. Then, if you add the ptc for roughly 15 of the 30 days, that is another $2.25, and another 60 cents for the daily cash e-mail.
So, that is $11.85 right there. Doing this every day, you should be able to cash out every other month, once you add in the videos, and a few surveys for which you may qualify, etc.
My math may be off a bit if I forgot something, but the point is, just commit to doing the minimum each day without fail, and you will be surprised to find how fast your balance will accumulate.
Do not be discouraged by making the Fusion Cash $25 minimum into your own personal Mount Everest. Just take those baby steps, and you will see a marked improvement.
Of course, my comments are only for those who have a lot of time on their hands because I know for those of you who work a full-time job, you may not have the time to do this every day.
Good luck . . .