May 29, 2016
Hello to everyone out there in Fusion Cash World:
Today I went to "" I think this is what it is called and worshipped God.
These people are so down to earth and really know how to seek God in their lives. The Holy Spirit is in this place. It is like being in Heaven.
"Where Jesus is tis havean there>" Anyways, the pastor told a really good and funny joke. It goes something like this.
""A cowboy went to to an upscale church where everyone dressed in the finest clothes and wore sparkling jewelrey etc." But this cowboy all he had to wear was a pair of rugged jeans and a t shirt>"
Everyone at this "upscale church" shunned this man and showed their contempt of him by not including him in their "conversation" or even greeting hiim.
The service ended and not even the pastor greeted this man. But after the service ended the pastor walked up to this cowboy and said to him, "Son, why don't you go home and talk with God and ask him what kind of attire or clothing you ought to wear when coming to our service so that you can worship God with us>'
"This way you can fit in with us." "Do you think you could do that?"
So, the cowboy answered him, "Ok" and then he went home.
The next day the cowboy went back to the same church and he wore the same clothes.
And, again he got the same treatment from both the people and the pastor who did not greet him and shunned him because of the clothes that he wore.
So, after the service ended, the pastor walked up to the cowboy and said, "Son, didn't you talk with God about what clothes he would have you to wear to come and to worship our Lord with us?"
And, the cowboy answered, "Yes sir, I did"
And, the pastor said, "And what did God tell you to wear?"
And the cowboy said. "God said, "I don't know what you should wear, because I don't go to that church!"
I burst out laughing when I heard this joke. I thought it was funny.
Anyways, the pastor who shared this joke with the congregation then shared a verse in the bible that says,
"Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart"!
The pastor's point was that God does not see as man sees, for example, the color of people's skin or their status in life or even their riches.
But, God looks at each one of our hearts to see if we are seeking him!
And, even though we as sinful man do not always seek God. He is always seeking us! And just waiting for each one of us to accept him as "Lord and savior of our lives". To God be the glory!