I've noticed something about certain companies... I won't name them, as that is "not fair" to judge them. Some of them seem to enjoy collecting a certain amount of info and then claiming you went too fast. Of course I can go fast. I have the same basic information, so I can click male-next, job-next, income-next and get through blah blah blah in about 10 seconds. Apparently I am supposed to take my time to decide if my gender has changed? hah
And lately you can see a lot of the surveys being in the red zone. One company has decided to tell me they have all the information they need, when in fact, they just are tired of me getting rewarded and I ALWAYS provide the same information to them. I don't switch around my demographics trying to score surveys. In fact, that will slow you down because you will be inconsistent and screw up.
I hate being punished for knowing the process of filling in my demographics at a super fast pace. I also hate that I can read and write fast. Apparently being a fast reader is also a disqualification, so I have to sit there and count another 30 seconds before I hit next, when in fact I am doing everything honestly and half the time, read the same thing on the last 5 pages, so I already know whether a certain product is important, not important, etc.
They want me to make it 75% of the way and then throw up a random error. I've been using surveypolice.com and reading reviews about which companies are currently acting "unprofessionally."
Being fast and accurate is a punishment sometimes.
I digress.
I don't know what to think. Maybe I should break my hand so I can't click fast...? Everyone try surveypolice.com, they are constantly scanning the sites and force them to check their habits or people will ditch them and go to other places leaving them to decide if they want to keep their company going.... I feel your pain.