Depression is something that comes in goes, something that everyone will expereince. Please excuse my spelling I am have learniing disabiliities, and sometimes, I do not give a damn about fixing them.
Just dealing with Admin is frustrating enough.
there are of course drugs you can take, but as a person with a degree in food Science and Human nutrition, not working n my field now, I can tell you there are many food stuffs and herbs which are natural mood helpers.
Of course caffiene, protien , walking etc.
My Mom was a pharmasist, and most docs will prescribe drugs you do not need, just to earn $$ kickbacks from the drug salesman.
Best bet, find a whoelistic doctor, personally I just look online as to a search for natural depression relievers, which will pull up a list, and then look thru the list and the side effects.
No money to be maid, in that, but sometimes you hear people say, a cuppa meaning Tea is what will fix your ills and there are all kinds of Tea, that will.