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Topic: Ebola so feared, even your pet will be murdered if you catch the virus!  (Read 631 times)


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I'm referring to the nurse infected with Ebola, while in hospital in isolation; her dog Excalibur is facing a death sentence! The beloved pet is targeted for termination because of the fear that it could have ebola & may spread the virus to humans or other animals that also my spread the virus to humans. Her husband, while in quarantine called for Excalibur to also be quarantined & refused to consent to have his pet murdered in the case that the dog may have contracted the disease via his human parents! Personally, I agree with the husband! Dogs, chances of contracting this virus is very low & according animal research dogs do not die from ebola infections!Me, I'd feel safer stuck in quarantine with Excalibur than be in a hospital with the best, doctors, nurses, hospital aide, & top notched medical equipment around! What frightens me is reports of infected kids, infecting people who help them then die themselves later. It's more humane if those poor kids would have been put down, than having to go through the horrific stages of this disease only to be released from the torture by death! Instead of murdering a dog suspected of having Ebola, why not save him, it seems that his species has an edge on this virus,.... no dog, ever dies from Ebola infections!   

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