The offer states on the Fusioncash end
"Requirements: Sign up for the 7-day trial and get your credit score."
Like a few others of you I signed up for the 7-day trial and received nothing and waited and ....nothing.
No Flame intended just here to clarify.
After talking to a rep from MyScore
I know better now.
The referrer "Fusioncash" Will not get paid unless I stay with MyScore for 1 month.
So if you're like me and done a ticket about an offer not crediting you already know the response to that.
"They didn't pay us,so you don't get paid.. To help you avoid this frustration I am posting this.
The offer is pretty misleading and should be corrected.
Obviously, in an attempt to avoid being billed I would cancel before the 7 day mark and never see a cent.
Sad,because $1 came off my credit card.
My solution was this: The woman offered me a free month and I bit.
Effective July 10 fusioncash gets paid and then I get paid.
If I had put in a support ticket I would have gotten
"Sorry we're at the mercy of the...and we didn't get paid so you don't get paid"
Which could have totally been avoided, by the way.
My better judgement told me $10 for nothing was too good to be true and it was. Might need to tweak the wording of that particular offer. Not trying to put any of these guys down but hopefully this helps understand why you got no return from the MYSCORE OFFER. That being said. Myscore is actually a pretty cool site,ask and I would be glad to elaborate.