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Topic: What would you do  (Read 718 times)


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What would you do
« on: June 09, 2014, 11:45:36 am »
I started a new job in April.  At first things were great.  But lately I am having some problems and things are getting kind of bad.  In my department I have a coworker who makes fun of me all the time.  He makes fun of the way I talk, how I pronounce words (he will re-say the word I said and mock me - and I am not saying it wrong) or just in general make fun of me.  He will also misunderstand what I say and say I said something else and when I say that is not what I said he will say "yes it is" and in general just make you want to smack him.   He is a young punk kid (24) and it just gets old.  AND no I am not saying you young folks in your early 20s are all like this.  So don't take offense.  He also likes to fuss at me and correct me and tell me to do things a certain way when "I" am doing it correctly.  HE is the one who does it wrong.  Idk.  I do not want to start a fight because there are times it is just he and I in the department and I want to get along with him.  I just don't know what to do.

And there is one other thing and I am probably going to make some people mad at me but - there is a guy who is a midget who works in the neighboring department.  I am quite a bit taller than he is but I am also technically short.  Co-workers call him "midget" all the time and he seems to have no problem with it.  He makes jokes about himself all the time.  That is fine.  BUT HE wants to call me "midget" which I am NOT and make fun of me for being short.  It is getting old fast.  There is one guy who knows about this situation.  He said the next time somebody said that to just look at them and say "Call me that again and we are going to have a problem".  I don't want to start anything and I want to get along with people.  But good grief - you would think by the time you reached adult hood people would be over the making fun of others.

Thus far, I just ignore them but that is not helping because the comments just seem to be getting worse.  It's like oh that did not do it let me go a little farther and see if I can get to her.  Or get a reaction.  I was told to go talk to the HR manager but I hate to be a tattle tale.

I guess I could flat out say "This needs to stop" and if it does not then go to the HR manager and have her call them in the office with me there too and say okay "me saying it alone did not stop it so I have reinforcements"???  Idk.  Any suggestions?


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 12:21:41 pm »
If you've told them to stop already and there not doing it them I think you need to just break down and go to HR like you said with you in the room so that it gets straightened out. Im sorry that your having to deal with this because you would think that as adults we could all be macure and act like adults but that doesnt always happen. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you and try to keep your head up!


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 01:25:43 pm »
I agree. It's not really acceptable that anybody call anybody anything - if it's not acceptable in the playground than it definitely shouldn't be tolerated in a grown-up office. I think you should get HR involved, not because you're a tattle-tale but because in an effect to keep morale high and retain respect for each other, it really should be ended sooner rather than later. It is a little immature to call people names - whether they think it's funny or not. Sounds like you are the only adult in the office! I think a little decorum and professionalism wouldn't go amiss from your colleagues.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 02:54:56 pm »
I could see where you feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place.  You could very politely pull them to the side and let them know you don't appreciate the constant harassment and wish them to stop, because that is what it is.  I'm also quite sure there are rules in the work place today against ANY kind of harassment.  Let them know you would like it to stop.  If, after having a word with them, they continue - then by all means - it's all out war.  Go to HR and let them handle it.  You could even tell HR that you tried to reason with them by speaking with them but the harassment continues.

PS:  Keep a log of what they say and when they said it to you, if anyone else was around WHEN they said it - dates, times.  If you speak to them about it, keep a log of that, too.  Should the need arise to go to HR, you'll have everything you need right in front of you.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 02:58:25 pm »
Thanks.  There are actually only a couple who act like this.  But it ruins things for everyone.  The first time I heard someone call the little guy "midget" I almost fell over.  I even mentioned it to another co worker.    But I wrote it off as I guessed they knew him and thought it was okay.  And he is okay with it.  But me, I am not okay with being called names, or insulted.  There is a difference in this and just joking around.   Cutting up and joking around makes the day go by faster.  But in my opinion a line has been crossed.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 02:59:26 pm »
Blacksheep - Thanks.  I will do that. 


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2014, 11:29:21 am »
Someone is always looking for someone else to pick on... just don't do it yourself...


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2014, 12:16:10 pm »
24 isn't young. That's an adult in every sense of the word.  Definitely not a kid.

Talk to your HR department, what you state is making a hostile work environment & the name calling is definitely wrong.  Make sure you file statements as well.  Stand up for your self, HR can't help you unless you speak up.   


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2014, 04:33:22 pm »
You are all adults and that is not allowed in the office (or anyplace).  Did you ever think maybe the "midget" really does mind, but just goes along to keep the peace?  Try talking to him and explain your situation, if he does mind you then have a "partner" to go to HR with.  Write everything down, dates, times, who said it and what they said, let them see you writing.  If they ask, tell them what you are doing and what you plan to do with it.  Don't worry about losing a friend. a friend would never make fun of another friend!
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Re: What would you do
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2014, 04:54:49 pm »
I am sorry you are in this situation.  I would take the conflict to HR.  Resolving situations like yours is the purpose of HR.  I wish you all the best.
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Re: What would you do
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2014, 05:22:20 pm »
Country remember this...

An answer when mild turns away rage.

Tell them mildly,as a dog returns to their own vomit,a fool returns to being a fool.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2014, 07:05:58 am »
Country remember this...

An answer when mild turns away rage.

Tell them mildly,as a dog returns to their own vomit,a fool returns to being a fool.

I go back in tomorrow.  Been off a couple of days.  I already dread it and get upset just thinking about having to go in.  You are right - but I tend to ignore it til I get totally fed up then go off. lol

I have thought about it and the next time he does it I will say something like "Does it make you feel good about yourself to make fun of me?"  But I am sure how ever it goes he will get mad and defensive when I call him on it.  They tend to act that way with each other a lot - making fun of each other, calling names, and insulting, and the one that will get me fired - the "your mom" jokes.  I DO NOT THINK THAT IS FUNNY.  I almost got in a fight several years ago over that.  A girl I worked with (and I had told her several times) no matter what I said to her - her response was "your mom".  The last time she done it I went off.  Then of course she plays the victim and starts crying.    You do not know people's lives or situations and there are some things you do not say.  Actually there are a lot of things you do not say.

I am upset this morning and it may show it my posts. lol.  Like someone else said earlier - from this point on I need to keep a log of times I have asked him / them to stop.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2014, 11:54:22 am »
Kind of difficult for me to advise a course of action to take having not actually observed the situation personally.  I've been in some circumstances where workers would "insult" each other and it was more of an initiation, a way of bonding or tying to bring new people into the fold.  Those who didn't take the insults personally and could dish out/join in were accepted, those who took it personally misinterpreted the intent (and the others couldn't understand why they were taking offense).  In those cases, I would have to explain things to both sides - telling the one being offended that wasn't the intent, and telling those joking that in reality, what they were doing isn't always interpreted as "joking".

I, myself, am short, so if I was called a "midget" - first, I'd be sure the little person truly wasn't offended.  If that was just their sense of humor, then I would respond to taller people as "Jolly Green" or "Amazon" and ask how the weather was "up there" - just poking fun as "how tall" they were in comparison to "how short" they were implying I was.  Although, if the jokes continued to the point of boredom or were interfering with my work, I'd  plainly state I wasn't interested anymore.

For the "kid" who thinks it's funny repeating you like a 3 year old, I would flatly ask if he needed to be put in time out.  If he wondered why I asked that, I'd state a 3 year old acted more adult than he was, so if he was going to act like a child, you may as well treat him like one.

In general, I've found group dynamic situations like this often mimic basic animal dominance behavior.  Take some lessons from the show "The Dog Whisperer" and employ some "pack leader" strategies to take control of the situation.  Generally, the pack leader uses calm assertiveness to take control and lead the pack.  A pack leader doesn't get emotional, remains calm and asserts control by ignoring the antics of the pack until they conform to them - using tactics to make them conform. 

Perhaps things like with the "kid", just order him to do a task.  Even if he mocks your request, just look at him with an "I'm not joking" look and say "just do it." then go back to your things.  If he doesn't, assert later he was told to do a task and failed - "now go do it."

Eventually you'll be deemed as "not fun" because you are not getting riled (if that's their intent), and eventually people may actually start working.

Sometimes that's easier said than done.  I always tended to lean toward the calculating and logic thought, not a highly emotional person myself.  If this is something that would be difficult for you, then the next course of action would be to have a sit down with your manager.  My advice for this meeting would be to report your issues when you are not emotional - just state the facts, how the behavior is negatively impacting your productivity - and if the behavior is generally negatively impacting the store's bottom line.  That will mean more to management.

Hope you find a way to get thing smoothed over one way or the other.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2014, 04:08:23 pm »
In this day and age MOST COMPANIES have HOT LINES that a person could call anonymously and report such terrible behavior because no one should be intimidated or treated the way you have been by anyone - even a co-worker.  So either check that out or if you are comfortable enough to tell your immediate supervisor or top boss go for it.  Good luck no matter what you choose to do.


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Re: What would you do
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2014, 04:25:29 pm »
Look him in the eye and tell him if it doesn't stop you will file a harassment suit against him.  Not that you really would, but sometimes these punks are just a pita.  If that doesn't work, yes, go to HR.  Is HR your direct boss, is your boss doing anything about it?

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