You know facebook is so much flippin drama it is unreal. People are so stupid and need to learn how to let other people have their opinions. I have a couple of things.
1) I was looking at a site were random people can post and you do not have to sign in or put a name or anything. This person was local to where I live and crying because they had been unfriended by several people lately. They took to this "gossip site" to cry because the people had blocked them and they could no longer yell at them on facebook for deleting them. I am like "Really"
Grow the heck up and move on!
My second point. People need to grow up with the unfriending thing. It amazes me that someone says "I do not want to be your friend because I do not agree with you on any certain topic". People are so stupid. Idk. I do have a fb page and mostly it is to communicate with family that are scattered all over the country. I only have a handful of friends. I have had 3 people over the years of having it unfriend me. All because of something stupid. I guess I was suppose to care. lol
I will say this - People need to be careful what they put on facebook. Even sharing one of those statuses that would give away your opinion on something can end up costing people their job. I have seen it happen.
Here is an example of the one that comes to mind. It was a status that says "I believe in traditional marriage. One man. One woman." That is all it said. It was made on a poster like thing and tons of people shared it. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to and to share said status. I know someone who shared that status and then was attacked because someone who had a mother that was a lesbian got mad. It blows my mind. There was nothing said to any specific person. A user just shared a status stating what THEY believe. Anyway, the person who was on the friends list got all offended and complained and caused problems for the person who shared the status. I just think that is pathetic. If you are that offended then I say stay at home and don't ever go outside because not everyone is going to agree on everything.