I gather you are clicking on the "MyThoughts Count" survey box in the Daily section.
This is a survey site. You will be asked many demographic questions before they bring you into the survey to make sure that you "qualify" for the survey.
If they disqualify you for a given survey there is usually a closing statement saying
"Sorry, you didn't qualify for this survey , or the group that you would have qualified for was full."
The survey site will usually offer you another survey to try to qualify for. You can continue trying to qualify until you are accepted -- or they run out of surveys to offer you.
When/if you get accepted for the survey based on your basic demographics, you may still get disqualified because you didn't meet more refined requirements.
You have not completed a survey unless you reach a final page that usually tells you that you have completed the survey (also called a Congradulations page or a Thank you for completing the survey page.)
At that point, leave the the Congradulations/Thank you page open for at least 10 minutes or until you see the credit for the survey on your FC account page.
I usually have my FC account page open on another tab so that I can access it easily and refresh it periodically to see if the credit has come through. I usually do not go on to something else until the credit comes through.
When the credit comes through, you can close the survey window. Then clear your cookies and temps BEFORE you go on to another survey box or offer.
You don't get ANY credit if you disqualify for the survey from the regular survey boxes.
Surveys offered in the FC box (with a little money bag icon next to it) may result in $.01 consolation bonus if you get into the survey, but still do not qualify.
If you haven't gotten credit in 10 minutes, there is a strong possiblity that the communication between FC and the Survey site broke down and you will not get credit. That's a pain, but most of the time the credit does come through. It's also possible that the credit will still come through, you just need to give it time to process.
But what you can do, is close the survey page, clear your cookies and go on to do another offer and/or survey box.
Remember, you can not do another survey from the survey box where you just completed a survey (even if you haven't gotten credit). You need to wait 24 hrs before trying for another survey from that box.