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Topic: Question, please help if you can  (Read 5200 times)


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Question, please help if you can
« on: October 05, 2007, 12:12:41 pm »
I would like to change my email address that is registered with fusion.  Can I do that without getting into trouble?  Also, if I can change my email address and I do, will offers that I am waiting on credit for still credit to my account or will they not credit because the email address is different?  That is of course assuming those offers will credit.  I am not having a whole lot of luck getting things to credit.  It's driving me crazy :BangHead: sometimes.

Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can be.  :D


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 01:44:52 pm »
Yes you can change your email address.  That is the address Fusion will use to notify you of pending offers that have credited.  It should not affect any of your pending offers.

We all go through a little down time where offers don't credit quickly or don't credit at all. 

This is a post that Admin posted - it helped me understand why some offers don't credit.  Hope it helps you.   :)

Don't lose faith - FC is great, sometimes it just takes patience.

"Assumption: you are completing offers legitmately, with real information, and for the first time.

From a technical standpoint, nothing in this thread could possibly help your crediting.  In fact, the cookie deletion is much more likely to hurt your chances.

Look at it this way:  these tracking systems have been around for many many years and are designed by the marketing companies that use them.  It's in that marketing company's best interest to track as many completions as possible, since that's how they get paid.  Therefore, the tracking systems were designed so that they track perfectly on a standard, out-of-the-box configuration.  And they do.

There are two main methods by which an offer can fail to track:

Advertiser choice
   -> The advertiser's computer system may choose to not fire the tracking pixel.  They are allowed to do this, and although the criteria are usually stated up front, sometimes they are not.  Example:  If a particular company owns several different sites, they may choose not to fire the tracking pixel if you sign up on more than one of their sites. [We try really hard to avoid putting conflicting offers up but with dozens of companies and hundreds of sites it is extraordinarily difficult].  Another example: if you've signed up at a site before, and you sign up again, they generally will not credit you.

Technical limitation
   -> Pixel tracking has an inherent and insuperable design flaw that causes it to track less than 100% of the time.  This can happen for a few reasons: Flow interruption, blocking, HTTP request failure.   
          --> I believe blocking is the most common cause for noncredit.  I use this term to mean the blocking or deleting of the tracking cookie.  This can and often does happen silently.  It's usually a "feature" of ad-blocking, anti-spyware, or anti-virus software; or sometimes a setting in your browser; or sometimes it is done by hand by people who think that they are helping themselves by deleting cookies.

          --> Flow interruption occurs when you complete an offer's requirements, but do so via a different "path".  An example of this is Obopay - if you sign up but their system cannot verify your identity, it will request that you call them and fax them a driver's license.  Once you do this, your account will be activated (and thus the offer requirements met) - but you will not be credited.  That's because you never see the normal "account successfully activated" page - they activate you manually via the DL fax.  There's just no working around this, sadly.

          --> HTTP request failure.  When you get to the page on the advertiser's site which meets the completion requirements, the advertiser's server instructs your browser to download an invisible "pixel" image which handles the tracking.  If you press "stop" (or hit the escape key, back button, etc) before the page is fully loaded - the pixel will not be fetched and the offer will not track.  Occasionally, the request to fetch the pixel will fail for an unknown technical reason.  It's the insuperable nature of the protocol that the failure happens silently, and it doesn't get tried a second time.  In that case, the offer will again fail to track.

Sorry to get so technical.  This is mostly my opinion, but I base it on a significant pool of data and experience from a 2.5 year period.

Bottom line... use your regular email address and contact information in a fresh installation of any standard browser, without any adblocking, antispyware or antivirus software running, and you're golden 99% of the time.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 06:20:48 pm by Administrator » 


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 03:19:38 pm »
Quoting from your post of what admin said: "In fact, the cookie deletion is much more likely to hurt your chances."

OK, let me see if I understood this correctly.  Actually deleting my tracking cookies can hurt my chances of getting credited?  Did I read that right?  So many people have said that deleting the cookies is a good thing. I have always thought it was a good thing too just in general. 

So, to delete or not to delete the tracking cookies before completing offers?

Thank you for your response.  I was wondering if anyone would respond and help me a little. LOL



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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 04:28:26 pm »
According to the Admin post, yep deleting cookies may not be so good after all.  I was advised the same as you when I started....delete cookies.  Well, I'm not going to delete them for awhile and see if it makes a difference.

Also, FYI, Kohler from Admin, also adivses that using e-mail addresses with the "." may also not be such a great idea.

I guess, its all trial and error....see what works best for you.   :wave:


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 07:40:24 am »
Yeah I stopped deleting my cookies and it seemed to help with my offers getting credited


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 12:23:07 am »
i need a friend to show me how to get this thing started


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2009, 03:41:30 pm »
can i refer two people that would be awesome if you dont mind giving me your s/n to refer


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 06:18:52 am »
I wonder if that's really true re:deleting cookies.  Sometimes not deleting can slow down your computer also.
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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2009, 02:14:16 pm »
This is from the "offer crediting information" page. So it would seem that cleared cookies would be best. Should work best for the people that haven't been clicking all over I think. Especially because of the offers within the offer.

In order to minimize the risk of these problems occuring, please:
Temporarily disable any ad-blocking software while using FusionCash.
Clear your cookies and cache before logging in to FusionCash.
Set your browser to accept all cookies. You can find instructions on how to do so in your browser's "Help" area.
Always copy and paste confirmation links from email messages into the address bar of the same browser you used to sign up.


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2009, 09:25:04 pm »
This is from the "offer crediting information" page. So it would seem that cleared cookies would be best. Should work best for the people that haven't been clicking all over I think. Especially because of the offers within the offer.

In order to minimize the risk of these problems occuring, please:
Temporarily disable any ad-blocking software while using FusionCash.
Clear your cookies and cache before logging in to FusionCash.
Set your browser to accept all cookies. You can find instructions on how to do so in your browser's "Help" area.
Always copy and paste confirmation links from email messages into the address bar of the same browser you used to sign up.

The thing is that it is generally a good idea to clear your cookies and cache - but ONLY if you do it before logging in, and don't do it again.  People think that clearing cookies is some kind of magic cure-all and they start doing it more often, and that's what hurts crediting.


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Re: Question, please help if you can
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2009, 02:54:20 pm »
Thanks for the clarification. I have been clearing between offers without logging out. Great info 8)

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