Many's the time I've had to be a peacemaker. For instance, the male cat we've now adopted just takes his frustrations out on our female cat and I don't stand for this behavior from any angry cat. So, after the male cat comes in at 4am and begins chasing our female cat in the house and making her feel frightened. It's right back outside for the male cat. He meows so dramatically, but I know very well what he's up to trying to have his way in the house. Anyway that's the male cat's chastisement for his stressed antics. Secondly, when I haven't qualified for surveys in months here at I take a peaceful contemplative break and return later to try again to make a few cents and hope someday I'll reach the cashout
Regardless of the rules and regulations. Sometimes, one just can't qualify for all surveys within the 180 day limitation to cashout
Maybe, there's a few peacemakers within the FusionCash support team?