Good for you!! Too many times people just turn their backs on someone who needs help in a bad situation whether its domestic violence, robbery, rape or whatever. One of our daughters married a guy who had already hit her a few times while they were dating. Her Daddy and I had not idea he had ever laid a hand on her because she was already on her own when she met him. They had 2 kids; the oldest was spending the night with a friend but the baby was at home one night when he had been drinking and probably doing something else too. He came home, got in an argument with our daughter, chasing her around the house cursing her and hitting her. She grabbed the baby and ran to the bathroom; he followed her in there and pulled a knife on her. She was in the bathtub with the baby trying to protect the baby. She had managed to call his parents when he first became abusive that night. They showed up while he had our daughter and grandbaby pinned down in the tub. His Dad grabbed him and physically carried him out of the house. They asked her not to call the police and she complied. (STUPID) Years later she told us about this after she had finally gotten up enough nerve to leave him. The night she told me I sat down and cried my eyes out thinking I surely should have known something. She said his parents had known about several times he had hit her but never even tallked to him about it. Now, thank God, she and the 2 kids are back here in her hometown and close to us and I swear if he ever lays another hand on her I'll send him to hell! There is no excuse for a man to hit a woman and if these kids had been older they could have been scarred for life. And I'll never, ever understand his parents attitude toward about all this.