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Topic: How can someone be born gay?  (Read 20643 times)


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #90 on: July 08, 2012, 07:16:59 am »
We are ALL inherently female to start with which is why hermaphrodites are able to be born to begin with. Anyone that thinks it is not possible for someone to be born gay is ignorant and oblivious to reality. I find that those that do choose to ignore fact for religious fiction live in fantasy land choosing fairy tales over truth.


Thank you! ;)


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #91 on: July 08, 2012, 07:23:53 am »
Didn't I ask you to stop quoting me once before?

Perhaps so however, as I recall, you don't get to issue demands which others are obligated to comply with on a forum which is not some exclusive xtian countryclub.  Tough break, nyet comrade?

I will never respect your opinions either, but once again I have never quoted you first.

Why would I care one way or the other if some mind-blind fundie respects blind faith over reason?

As for animals though I run a pet rescue and care for them dearly I would never put them equal to human kind, because they are not human. They are in fact living breathing creatures who I would fight for their life to live and be a voice for but you will never hear me refer to them as equal to mankind.

So, do you believe that you're more intelligent or compassionate than, say a dolphin?  If so, I'd find that rather dubious.

I hope you are a vegetarian after the comment you just made. I sure am!

Nope.  My ancestors didn't claw their way to near the top of the food-chain to eat leaves.

You are the opposite of a Bible Thumpper and honestly seem to have entirely too much time on your hands to fill a forum with your beliefs.  :BangHead:

I agree that I'm the polar opposite of a religiously-proselytizing bible-thumper, (since I have no 'bible' to thump and logic cannot be properly 'proselytized').  What, exactly are you assuming my "beliefs" to be?  

In life there are people who you do not agree with and when you run across them it is always best to be polite to them say hello and keep going. That is what makes the world move and how people tend to get along. It is part of the co-worker syndrome. You know you do not agree with me and you know I do not agree with you. You know I am not going to convince you that God is real no more than you are going to convince me he is not. So the best thing would be not to quote me. That is why I asked you did not on religious issues of coarse I can not insist you do not.

You have freedom of speech just as I do, but it would be courteous of you not to. I am set in my ways and you are set in yours. We both know who we are. And that is good, but this thread wasn't about religion. It makes just as much since as an atheist coming into a religious discussion putting down religion as it does a christian going into a atheist discussion and trying to convert them to christian.  That's all I am saying. You are wasting your typing skills on me. I will never deny God or my savior.  If you would like me to follow you around and quote your anti-christian babble in unrelated discussions and say "God bless" after each as a Bible thumpper would do I will. If not please do not be anti-God thumpping me with your scientific babble.

I like your country club comment though.  ;D You are really something. Next you will even be adding the dumb blond jokes! Really?

My family are not vegetarians either nor were they in my childhood but I respect animals and I am. It is a little something I can do. I am sorry you are not. I thought that was at least something I could say nice about you.

What do I think your belief's are?

I think you are an atheist a non-believer who wants to convince everyone that science is the answer to everything perhaps you are only trying to convince yourself of that. Good luck.

Babies are no more born gay than they are born atheist. And animals pray without being taught.

You have issues on top of your issues don't you ? I suppose you think that babies are born christians ? Why would anyone in their right mind respect the opinions of someone so oblivious to reality? Anyone in this forum can quote you all day long get over it.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #92 on: July 08, 2012, 08:41:37 am »
Yes, one can be born gay...I think it's some sort of genetic/biological mutation in a person's DNA that causes a psychological disorder.

That must be one twist away on the double-helix from the genetic mutation which causes a predisposition for religious self-delusions, aye?

Naaaah, science and religion don't mix my friend, remember. Furthermore...Religion is not hereditary, religion is indoctrination...and since I'm NOT "religious" I wasn't susceptible to this "self-delusion" sorry...Perhaps YOU can come up with an explanation as to why someone would go against nature. Nature by the way has nothing to do with religion, just so you know...There has to be a biological reason as to why a person that HASN'T been molested by a same sex person would be gay. C'mon, can we be sensible here?  


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #93 on: July 08, 2012, 11:08:44 am »
Just like someone can be born with no arms, no legs.  People are born with heart problems, diabetes, bipolar.   Some people are born with with Down Syndrome some are not.  Some are born with great musical, artistic ability, anything you can imagine people can be born with.  I don't believe being gay is a choice just like you can't choose to be born heterosexual.  You can't help being born white, black, albino etc.
I agree!!! People do not choose to be gay. It is something that they must live through in order to perfect their souls. We all have a life to live in a certain way for a reason. We all are here to perfect our souls and to learn from this world in one way or another. And I believe in a God that loves us all the same no matter our differences. Imagine if we were all the same. What a boring world it would be. I wish people could just except the differences in others.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #94 on: July 08, 2012, 05:49:25 pm »
Firstly following someone to just quote them because you do not agree with what they say and you are putting them down numerous times is trolling so no they can not continue to troll me.

No, replying to quoted text retains context, (such as it is in your instance).  Under your usage of the term "trolling", any reply to a post would be "trolling" if you didn't 'like' the reply.  The same process is somehow 'not-trolling' if the replies agree with your opinions?  Your non-reasoning is specious and self-serving.  It is disregarded as irrational.  You don't have command over replies to public posts, whether you inaccurately deem them as "trolling" or not.

I do not believe  babies are born gay nor straight. They are not born Christian nor Atheist.

Then you are tacitly admitting that such intolerant xtian-based attitudes are the result of being indocrinated to 'believe' in any particular religious nonsense.  I oppose such religious indocrination and I support legislation which makes such fundie religious indoctrination prosecutable as child abuse.

(No I do not accept homosexuality, it is deep within me to believe what I was taught that it is wrong)

All you are confirming is that the brain-washing/indocrination 'took' so well that you are unable/unwilling to use reason to fight against it.
I am entitled to my belief's and  my feelings just as you and everyone else on the forum is. People are entitled to comment and quote the others here, but they should not troll the other members on the forum.

Once again, quoting in reply is neither "following around" nor "trolling", unless all replies are "following" & "trolling", (which makes everyone posting a "troll" and the term becomes meaningless).  Your biased interpretation does not apply outside of your own skull.

Always looking for something to attack in what they say. And that is the way it has been the entire month I have been here and that is wrong and disrespectful. People on this site are all suppose to be adults and they should treat everyone with the same respect they want treated with.

For some non-reason, a few of you xtian fundies 'believe' that you get some kind of 'free pass' to post anything unopposed. The opposing replies shoulod have altered that 'belief' which attempts to characterie replies in disagreement/opposition/refutation or 'you just don't like' as "rude", "disrespectful", "impolite", "untoward", "snooty", "snotty", "snitty", "turbulent" or any other adjective being mis-employed to try censoring dissent.  You cannot repress free speech, fundie.  Use the 'ignore' button and your view will be censored to spare your 'delicate sensibilities'.

"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration--courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth."
-- H. L. Mencken 
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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