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Topic: I see Some changes in Fusion Cash over the weeks. And I don't like them!!  (Read 1788 times)


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The Surveys have gotten Way longer and harder..You Start A survey and your 10 mins into it and ....BAAM!!!!!!
They say you did not ---------------  fill in the planks!!
And why don't they send you more paid emails!!! other sites send you 3 to 5 a day...and they pay more then 1 sticken penny!!!.
Come fusion cash get up with the times!!!!! :BangHead:


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The Surveys have gotten Way longer and harder..You Start A survey and your 10 mins into it and ....BAAM!!!!!!
They say you did not ---------------  fill in the planks!!
And why don't they send you more paid emails!!! other sites send you 3 to 5 a day...and they pay more then 1 sticken penny!!!.
Come fusion cash get up with the times!!!!! :BangHead:

Participation in FC, its sponsored and home-grown offers is purely voluntary. So is reading any of teh several threads pertaining to survey qualification/disqualification.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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The Surveys have gotten Way longer and harder..You Start A survey and your 10 mins into it and ....BAAM!!!!!!
They say you did not ---------------  fill in the planks!!
And why don't they send you more paid emails!!! other sites send you 3 to 5 a day...and they pay more then 1 sticken penny!!!.
Come fusion cash get up with the times!!!!! :BangHead:

The surveys have been spread out from 2 minutes to 35 minutes as long as I have been a member. So I'm not sure what you're talking about. I do feel your frustration though when you spend 10-15 min then don't qualify.

As for the paid emails, that is something that FC has also only had one of as long as I've been a member. There are plenty of things on FC that other sites do not have so you should decide what PTC site you would like to stick with otherwise don't complain about the hand that feeds you! :wave:


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the surveys have not changed to me either.  i do surveys every day and some of them last a long time and some don't take long at all.  they are all different.  they have always been this way too.  now there are times where you don't get credit and that can suck when you've been at it a long time.  but that can happen for a number of reasons. 


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I belong to a lot of PTC and GPT sites and most of the paid email I received credit less than a penny.  Granted FC only sends one, but it credits .02.  Way more for a lot less time.

There were sites that sent emails that credited more (CDC - in the good old days), some as high as .05, but those type ads have run there course and now and they no longer send out emails, but might have site ads that credit a penny or 2 -- but usually with limitations (ie you can only click this ad once every 24 hours -- on any site.)

I'd like to see more ads to click on FC -- whether email or on site.  But before FC can bring in ads, it has to show that the audience that's clicking, is also interested in checking out the product.  If all we're doing is clicking the ad and not showing interest in what the ad is selling, there is no incentive for the advertiser to keep buying ads.


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i don't see those kind of changes.. the only thing that changed is that it's easier for me to get approved on my daily surveys now  ;)


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I do not see a change either...

The surveys here are just like the surveys on every other site..  :dontknow:

The difference...  Here they offer you A Penny for trying on most of them!!!  :thumbsup:

Other sites.. do not... *well most of them.

So at least we are rewarded for trying. :D

To me.. that makes up for any grr's that I might have..   ::)
Then I remember hey.. I made that penny.. :thumbsup:

And then I move on.   

Hope that remembering the penny offering... eases some of your frustration.  :)

Happy Earnings!!  :wave:


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There are some subtle changes all the time, but so far it seems fairly consistent in the last year+ that I've been here.


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lol i agree about the surveys but i get two pennies for the email


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I really like FC but are there other sites just as good? Can that kind of thing be mentioned in the Forum without breaking the rules?

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