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Topic: Daily e-mails and Flagging Images Help please!!  (Read 1025 times)


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Daily e-mails and Flagging Images Help please!!
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:38:09 pm »
So I just started Fusion Cash, I am starting to get the hang of it, which is awesome. I am doing a lot of the daily tasks that I can do, and now I am finally having luck qualifying for surveys. I even have had good luck (which a lot of other people have) with being able to watch a lot of the videos.

While looking through the forum, I have seen some other tasks that I guess can be done as daily tasks, but I am not sure how to access them or where to find them from the FusionCash main page. I am hoping someone will be able to help me out, please!!!

The first question is regards to the daily e-mails. I have read that a lot of people are able to do these and that you get $.02 every day for opening and reading the daily e-mail. I have never gotten these since I have signed up for Fusion Cash. Is there a specific page I have to go to or do in order to receive these e-mails??

My other question is regarding the "flagging Images" task. I have read a little about this in the forum. However, I have no idea what this is, and where you would find this task. Would someone mind giving me a brief explanation of what this task is and where it can be found??

I just want to say thank you to everyone ahead of time for taking the time to read this and help me out in any way you can. Thank you again!!


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Re: Daily e-mails and Flagging Images Help please!!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2012, 04:31:33 am »
So I just started Fusion Cash, I am starting to get the hang of it, which is awesome. I am doing a lot of the daily tasks that I can do, and now I am finally having luck qualifying for surveys. I even have had good luck (which a lot of other people have) with being able to watch a lot of the videos.

While looking through the forum, I have seen some other tasks that I guess can be done as daily tasks, but I am not sure how to access them or where to find them from the FusionCash main page. I am hoping someone will be able to help me out, please!!!

The first question is regards to the daily e-mails. I have read that a lot of people are able to do these and that you get $.02 every day for opening and reading the daily e-mail. I have never gotten these since I have signed up for Fusion Cash. Is there a specific page I have to go to or do in order to receive these e-mails??

My other question is regarding the "flagging Images" task. I have read a little about this in the forum. However, I have no idea what this is, and where you would find this task. Would someone mind giving me a brief explanation of what this task is and where it can be found??

I just want to say thank you to everyone ahead of time for taking the time to read this and help me out in any way you can. Thank you again!!

You want to go to Offers/ New from your account page. There, if you scroll down, you will find a square for the Daily Cash Email. Clicking on the link will take you to the DCE and allow you to sign up so that you'll start receiving it each morning at the e-mail address you provide.

There is also a square for the Daily Tasks. Click on the link and you will see a list of all the daily tasks currently being offered. There is one task titled 'flagging images that contain adult content' there that pays 2 cents.  

Be sure you check out the link at the top of this page entitled 'Are you getting paid to post yet?' Click on the link and read the rules for the $3/mo forum posting bonus. Make 30+ posts this month and submit your best three by the end of February to be eligible for the bonus. You won't receive your bonus until around the 20th of March, but you don't want to miss out.

Glad to help and welcome!  :wave:


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Re: Daily e-mails and Flagging Images Help please!!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 07:36:36 am »
Be sure to click offers-then daily. You'll find the daily email signup there along with daily tasks that includes the flagging task. You will also find the paid to click for 15 cents (be sure to follow the instructions to get credited correctly). Daily will also have videos that can be viewed for money and surveys to try to qualify for. Much easier than weeding through pages of other offers.

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