If it's old, the laser might be super-dusty so all you'll need to do is spray it with some air. You can buy some at any office-supplies store for around 10$. Make sure you hold the can upright so it does not spray any liquid into it. If that does not work, try these-
If the drive icon is showing up in your "My computer" window, right-click it, go to "properties", go to the Hardware tab, click on the cd drive, and then click on properties. If it says the device is working properly and yet it still won't run, it might be defective. You may want to try the next step in the next paragraph though just to see. If it says it is not working properly, it's defective and probably needs to be replaced. HOWEVER since you said you've been updating windows, there's a chance that the updates may have overridden some of the drivers for the cd rom drive. I'd call microsoft and they'll probably guide you through how to fix it.
If the icon does not show up in the "My computer" window, it's probably a hardware issue. Unplug your pc and open it up and just see if the wires are pushed in tightly. Make sure you are not statically charged because a zap within the PC can damage it. If it still persists, reset your pc, hold F8 when it's booting and you'll get to your BIOS (blue screen usually). BE VERY CAREFUL AND DO NOT CHANGE ANY MAJOR THINGS IN HERE HAVING TO DO WITH YOUR HARD DRIVES! Check and see if the cd rom drive shows up anywhere. You may need to set it up so it recognizes it which shouldnt be too hard to figure out-- but remember not to toy with anything else that's already set up.
Hope this helps!