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Topic: Why?????  (Read 570 times)


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« on: October 03, 2011, 11:43:29 am »
Although you all say how easy it is, I think most of this is complicated and hard to credit, there has to be a simpler way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???


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Re: Why?????
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 02:16:32 pm »
Welcome to FC!

Things always seem tougher the first couple of times you try them, but then they get easier.   

Go to the Beginner's guide for basic information. (Support section of Forum – top of page)  Check out the video too.

I limit myself to the Dailys:  Click on "Offers" at the top of the FC page and then click on "Dailys".  I rarely have problems and once you master these, you'll feel better about trying regular offers.  (I cash out every 3-4 months just doing the dailys and the Forum promotions.)

The Daily section has several Daily surveys (you can COMPLETE one survey from each of the sites in any 24 hour period)
Be sure to clear your cookies and temps before you begin a particular survey site.
Being able to complete a survey depends on your demographics, so don't be surprised if you are disqualified (DQ'd) on several surveys before you are able to complete one.  You can keeping trying new survey on a particular site until you complete on and reach the Thank you/Congradulations page.

When you get the congradulations page for a survey, keep that page open for 5-10 minutes - or until you receive confirmation that the survey has credited to your account.  I usually have my account page open in another tab so I can view it and refresh periodically. 

If the survey doesn't credit in 10 minutes, take a screen shot of the page, bring it up on "PAINT", add a few comments so you can identify it, then save it as a jpeg picture (I usually name the picture FCPOPdate, so I can find it easily later.).  If you don't receive credit in a day or two, you can send the jpeg picture to Support and hope they will be successful in getting credit for themselves and for you.)

While I'm waiting for the survey to credit,  I do the daily $.15 click, and check for $.01 or .02 viedos ads to watch.  If you haven't signed up for the daily paid email, the box to do so is in this section.  That will come to your mail box shortly after you sign up.  If you don't see it in  a day or two, check your spam files.

If you like flash video games, FC has one Flash game that will provide a $.50 bonus if you reach a particular score. (You have to record it using the special code on the first page of the Flash Games.)  I've had fun with some, but have never been fast/good enough to reach the magic limit.
("Flash games" is one of the items to click in the $.15 Daily click)

Be sure to check out the Contests and Promotions in the Forum -- particularly the Forum Posting Bonus --$3 for 30+ meaningful posts in a given calendar month.  You have to request the bonus and it is credited to your account generally at the end of the month following the month you request it.  I generally have more than 40 posts and make the request on the 28th of the month (or 26th in February). 

When you're ready to try regular offers, check out the Offers section of the Forum and revisit the Beginner's Guide. 

And if you have any problems doing any of this, ask for help in the Forum.  It helps if you explain what you've tried and what hasn't work.   There are lots of people who have been where you are now and are more then willing to give you a helping hand. 


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Re: Why?????
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 07:14:53 am »
Although you all say how easy it is, I think most of this is complicated and hard to credit, there has to be a simpler way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???
If there is, I would sure like to see it. Do the dailies, post in the forum and GET REFERRALS. That's as easy as it gets.


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Re: Why?????
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 07:32:33 am »
how do you sign up for daily emails


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Re: Why?????
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 07:40:08 am »
how do you sign up for daily emails
Click Offers, then select daily and it's in there.

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