I have a white oak in my yard, and well, I'm eating my acorns
I read somewhere you could make them into flour, and sure enough, internet says yes.
So over the weekend, and while I was babysitting my niece and nephews, we cracked some acorns and made acorn cake, acorn bread, acorn cookies, and acorn waffles. Not bad!
A bit time consuming (and my older sister could only comment that "flour is 99cents!" lol) and with the kids "helping" it seemed to take about eight times as long, but I'm gonna keep doing it.
Hopefully find a coffee grinder or something to make a really fine flour. And maybe turn the whole pieces into candy hehe. Lots to still try.
Now, the question is, should I bother with the walnut tree on the other side of the house? They're pretty small walnuts overall. It's walnut buying time, so everyone is out picking them up, so I could just let the kids take them and sell 'em
Decisions decisions. I kinda want to just for trying, you know?