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Topic: E-mail Scam  (Read 2991 times)


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Re: E-mail Scam
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2011, 07:38:00 am »
My favorite on I got was an actual mailing. It was supposedly a mystery shopper job where you go into stores and restaurants and basically spy on them so corporate can see how they are doing. This email had 3 jobs to start on. 2 were just fake and fluff to make it seem more legit of a mailing, the 3rd one however asked for you to do a mystery shopping at western union. They included a check(obviously fake) and asked you to deposit it in account, then use part of it to send money to an account through western union. Of course this was all needed to be done within a couple days, making sure that if you were dumb enough to fall for it, you would not have time to notice the check that was sent you was bogus. I thought it was clever enough, though still transparent, but I bet others have fallen for it.


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Re: E-mail Scam
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2011, 09:19:34 am »
I recently got onbe from a bank that I do business with.  It sure looked legit, with the proper logo, etc., but they were going to ask for personal information.  I called the bank and sent it on to their fraud division.  I seem to get some scam almost every day in my email. 


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Re: E-mail Scam
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 03:28:06 pm »
lol!! that's just ridiculous. I get scam e-mails all of the time and can't believe these idiots would think I would fall for it, but this one is just funny  ;D


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Re: E-mail Scam
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2011, 05:27:15 pm »
That is funny, My moms sister and business associate recieved somthing like this but it was about my mom.  They had her name and said that she was in the United Kingdom and was robbed and had no money to come home please send me money to come home.  The funny thing is My mom is disabeled and has never been on vacation other than around the house and these people new that so that called her and told here about the email they got.  Shortly after that message she could not access her email account.  Here family and friends new this was a scam but I could not believe someone would even try this without knowing my moms abbits so they could be more believable.  We really have to watch out for stuff like this because someone has believed it and tried or these people would not keep doing it. Be careful all and watch out what you put personal things on your social networks and stuff like that someone will try and still your identy.

A friend of mine in town got that email bomb/virus too.  It spammed everyone in her email account with that message.  We were all a bit confused at first as we knew she was in town.  Since I received 2 of those emails from her within seconds, I figured it was a virus that got her.  That nasty thing crippled her email account until they got it cleaned out somehow.

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