I have stopped believing just about anything that I hear on popular media about the debt ceiling debates unless it is substantiated by at least 4 or 5 online sources that I consider reputable and less biased.
I will say this about Medicare.
1. I realize that if we pay into it, we should get something for it. If we don't get anything, we have the politicians to thank.
2. Along the lines of #1, the Medicare trustees reported earlier this year that if it is left unchanged, Medicare will be completely bankrupt/out of money by 2024. So it clearly is not sustainable in it's current form.
I think it's important to ask: is "cutting Medicare" in these talks owning up to the fiscal reality of the situation? What is actually being proposed? I would assume that it would be along the lines of things that were discussed in Paul Ryan's plan to reform Medicare - which would mean not changing anything for those 55 or older.
3. I agree with you that politicians should have to give up something in their benefits package if they are going to cut something for the general public.
4. I am not close to retirement, but have paid in plenty to the system and my personal view is that based on the current fiscal insanity in the US, I don't plan on receiving anything from the government when I retire (benefits or checks). I will be pleasantly surprised if I do.
I share your frustration with benefits being cut, but the current Medicare system is clearly broken and unsustainable. So it must be changed in some way. Whether or not you like the plans Republicans have put forward (I don't even know what they are proposing now) or not, I appreciate the fact that they are at least owning up (although not enough) to fiscal realities and sustainability of some of these programs. Democrats seem to prefer to ignore the issue and at least in this past election cycle ran partially on "Medi-scare" - that is "the Republicans want to take away grandma's benefits." That was where the whole ad of a Paul Ryan looking guy pushing a grandma in a wheelchair over a cliff came from.
I apologize if there are specifics of what has been proposed (and not just what the media has reported as being proposed) that I am unaware of that makes me less conversant on this topic. I really needed a break from hearing politicians talk after the campaign was over, so I have been taking a break from most political news.