I need help. I just signed up today and i dont know if im doing this right.... I clickec on an offer but it just kept leading me to more offers...
Hello ashengland and WELCOME to Fusion Cash. I'm glad to see you are in the Forum already since you just signed up on August 2. You posted your "I need Help" in a thread here on Kids. The Forum does have better topic threads to go to for asking for help - LOL!
Here are some suggestions to help you out.....
You do not need to use your CreditCard to make money in FC. There is a whole section
devoted to Free/No CC plus the daily PTC, daily email, and the Other Offers section. And of course there is Posting in the Forum!
1. The first thing I would suggest you do is go watch the Tutorial videos. They will help you a lot. The link to the Tutorial videos is found on the OFFERS page.
2. Read the RULES which are found the Forum under SUPPORT. (
http://www.fusioncash.net/forum.php?topic=15241.0) This is the second topic listed in the Forum under SUPPORT.
* Then, Visit FusionCash daily.
* Do the daily PTC. Click on "OFFERS" on any FC page then on "Daily" in the categories
of offers at the top right of the page. Follow steps 1,2 & 3 as outlined there.
* Daily Cash Email. Sign up for this in the Daily offers section.
* Check the MORE SPECIAL OFFERS section for new videos, promotions and any new offers that you might be interested in.
* Participate in the forum. It only takes 30 posts per month to earn $3.00 from your posts.
Go here for the details on this:
http://www.fusioncash.net/forum.php?topic=3464.0* Check the Forum for Contests and Promotions. There are 2 mini contests (Sat and Tues).
* Do the surveys if you have a little time. Click on "OFFERS" on any FC page. Click on
"Daily" in the categories of offers at the top right of the page. Most of the boxes are
daily surveys -- you can complete one survey from each box every 24 hours. You may
get disqualified on a survey, but you can continue to try until you complete a survey
or they run out of surveys. Remember when you complete the survey, so you know
when you can try again tomorrow.
***Be sure to clear your cookies and temp files before you start doing surveys for a
particular survey box.
* Share your referral link with friends
* Have fun!!
* Enjoy your Free Cash!!
Janet Hanson