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Topic: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?  (Read 2085 times)


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I'm just curious if anyone has seen these films, and if they have, I simply would love to hear any and all opinions on the matter.  :)
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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 04:40:28 am »
Hi Pinkie,

What are these films about?  I have not heard of them, just curious.  Have a great day!! :peace:


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2011, 09:42:50 am »
Never heard of ?  go ogled...looks pretty interesting.  THANKS!


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2011, 11:41:29 am »
They're films discussing "unknown" facts about the world we live. (I say facts because of my own research.) They changed the way I see everything. I've been researching what's discussed in these films for 5 years now. But they're very controversial! I like getting people's opinions on them. It's not an easy subject. If we all choose to start this conversation, I hope we all keep it civil. I'm new to this site, but so far, everyone has been very nice! If you haven't heard of them or watched them, check it out! If anything, it'll get you thinking! And I love having these conversations, so you know you can at least talk with me about it!  :D
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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 06:46:46 am »
My curiousity is up.  Will have to check it out.
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2011, 11:39:24 am »
I love having these conversations, so you know you can at least talk with me about it! 

I think I've seen one a few years ago but I can't remember the title, but seeing how it has the same narrative/documentary style, I imagine that was it. It had to do with how all old religions stem back to sun worship and that jesus and other popular religious protagonists aren't anything really special on a historic scale of mythology. Then it linked religion to a lot of problems with the world today and how it's an excuse to get an agenda done. I did my research and surprisingly found that the research they did is surprisingly accurate but the whole 'agenda' thing was a bit extremist.


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2011, 04:29:48 pm »
I've never heard of them but I may google them after I clean my office... I'm on a deadline to get it clean...


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 01:42:54 pm »
"It had to do with how all old religions stem back to sun worship and that jesus and other popular religious protagonists aren't anything really special on a historic scale of mythology. Then it linked religion to a lot of problems with the world today and how it's an excuse to get an agenda done. I did my research and surprisingly found that the research they did is surprisingly accurate but the whole 'agenda' thing was a bit extremist."

Yes, the first one did indeed have much to do with religion and such. Because of this everyone usually starts with the first Zeitgeist and quickly ends with the first Zeitgeist. This is sad, because the 2nd and 3rd Zeitgeist films are wonderful documentaries and well worth looking into. A lot of what is discussed in the 1st Zeitgeist is extreme. However, through my own research, which anyone can find themselves, easily. 911 was an inside job. The Federal Reserve is indeed a private organization, having absolutely nothing to do with government. There is no law stating you must pay a Federal Tax. You give them permission to take your money when you sign a W2. Which is something required to fill out by all employees in the work force. There is a law stating you must pay your state tax, but, NOT FEDERAL. The Patriot Act can and will detain you, without a warrant, under suspicion of you being a terrorist, even if you were born on American soil. Sodium Fluoride is a poison, which is filtered through almost all of our cities drinking water and is in all of our tooth paste. Actually, I would be here all day if I listed all of my research topics. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually seen all of the films, and even better if you've done some research on them! Not saying that if you don't know it's not an interesting conversation or that it's not important. Because it is! With this topic though, I see more who don't know, or, just refuse to look. So it's always refreshing to meet those who get an idea of what I am talking about.
Falconer02, I was curious, did you look into their extreme claims? Or just the religion aspect? I usually hear people saying they don't believe the religion part of the movie. ( I think that is more of a defense mechanism.) Which is understandable! I don't think that's the important part of the movie. Actually, I'm kind of upset they even put it in there. Never question a person's faith, that's their right. However, when it comes to the extreme "conspiracy" parts of the movie, most I discuss this with, are curious, and even believe in the possibility of it all. So when you said "but the whole 'agenda' thing was a bit extremist." I was kind of surprised. Do you mind me asking, what brought you to that conclusion? No need to answer if you don't want to. It's not my business, you already shared you're opinion. I was just curious.  :thumbsup:
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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 04:02:18 pm »
I have seen these and they do raise some interesting points, but a lot of the content is the same old BS that has been propagated since the first conspiracy theorist took their first breath. Below is one of the biggest you mentioned and you sound intelligent enough to know that if it were true, none of us would pay taxes and NO one would ever been the 'guest' of the prison system for tax evasion. The basic myth touted by tax protestors is that there is no law mandating the payment of income taxes:

The Federal Reserve is indeed a private organization, having absolutely nothing to do with government. There is no law stating you must pay a Federal Tax.

The Federal Reserve has absolutely zero to do with laws regarding taxes, period! The federal tax laws are contained in the Internal Revenue Code, also known as Title 26 of the United States Code, which is the compilation of laws passed by the Congress. The Internal Revenue Code is the law that requires people to pay taxes and the Internal Revenue Code is the law. This has been argued to death by people who don't want to give up any monies, I know I would rather not, but we live in the United States under it's laws and like it or not, you/we pay taxes (if you make enough to have to pay them or are exempt for another reason) or pay the price in many other unpleasant ways.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2011, 10:23:11 pm »
"The Federal Reserve has absolutely zero to do with laws regarding taxes, period! The federal tax laws are contained in the Internal Revenue Code, also known as Title 26 of the United States Code, which is the compilation of laws passed by the Congress. The Internal Revenue Code is the law that requires people to pay taxes and the Internal Revenue Code is the law. This has been argued to death by people who don't want to give up any monies, I know I would rather not, but we live in the United States under it's laws and like it or not, you/we pay taxes (if you make enough to have to pay them or are exempt for another reason) or pay the price in many other unpleasant ways."

Interesting, however, I will have to disagree with you. The Internal Revenue Code is not law. Did you see that I mentioned earlier that I did my research? I've been doing this for 5 years. I wouldn't say anything I didn't learn for myself, everyone can do the same. By filling out a W2, signing up for a bank account, or if you work for the Federal Government, you are allowing them to take your money. You sign a contract which makes you obligated to pay. (I know we can't put links,) But, this is a great start for research. Not to mention numerous books, articles, and websites. All available for those willing to look.

A Quote from the above website.
"The people who have least to fear from the IRS are those who have never entered into a contract with the IRS, those who have properly "untaxed" themselves under the guidance of a competent tax abatement service company, and those who have organized their personal affairs so they don't own any assets and don't have any bank accounts the IRS or other government looters can seize. It is important that you appreciate that the Internal Revenue Code is so complex and convoluted that nobody can understand it."

As you know, it isn't easy to avoid paying. This information alone shows exactly why people pay taxes. For one, like you, they feel obligated. And two, who doesn't own credit cards, homes, bank accounts, property, etc? Seems more like slavery to me. This is an interesting letter that questions how the IRS came to be, also, this website is very informational. Again, there are many more resources available for you to explore, not just on the internet, but everywhere. 

Happy Research!!  :thumbsup:
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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 07:46:43 am »
I am only going to address a part of your reply, the rest speaks for itself.

By filling out a W2, signing up for a bank account, or if you work for the Federal Government, you are allowing them to take your money. You sign a contract which makes you obligated to pay.

Try NOT filling out, or refusing to fill out, a W-2 form and see just how long you keep your job. Seriously? You are obviously convinced you are onto something, but this idea of "not paying taxes because there is no law that says we have to" has been around longer than you (probably) have. You referenced sites and opinions of Paul Andrew Mitchell who is a very well known 'joke'. His record in court, not to mention he is a self-appointed Private Attorney General, is laughable at best.

Don't you think that millionaires/ billionaires with access to the best legal representation on earth would have stopped paying a cent to the IRS eons ago if it were true?! Do you not realize that politicians, of all people, would do anything possible not to part with money? I could go on, but I don't care to bother. If you want to believe this, more power to you. When you get back to the real world, after your release from prison for neglecting to pay taxes or you become part of the actual workforce, please let us know how it 'worked' for you - the no tax thing that is..... ;)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Has anyone ever watched any of the Zeitgeist documentaries?
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 11:09:14 am »
I did leave other links. Did you not read them? There are far more. It doesn't matter though. This isn't a debate about taxes. I simply asked if anyone has seen the movies and what people thought of them. And just some food for thought, I haven't signed a W2 in 3 years. And I highly highly doubt they're coming to get me as you say. Those that pay taxes, for example the rich, pay taxes because they want certain things. I already said that by signing their contracts it makes you obligated to pay. Doesn't matter who you are. If you have a bank account then you are obligated to pay. If you own a home, you're obligated to pay. If you are in the work force, you are obligated to pay. If you work under the federal government, then you are obligated to pay. If you have credit, you are obligated to pay. You're right though, this is an idea that has been around for a long time. Mainly because people have been fighting it since 1913.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." ~ Quote from Thomas Jefferson, do you consider him a joke as well?

You can't refuse to sign a W2 if you're in the work force. You must sign and pay, and that is how they get you. I personally choose to stay out of the work force. It's not something everyone can do though. It is very hard. Hence why people don't do it. Ah, non the less, like I said before, I didn't ask about these movies to get into a debate about taxes. I simply wanted to know people's opinions on them. Tell me, do you also think that 911 was the work of "terrorists"? Oh and the politicians, work with the Fed, not against it.

Anyone who reads this forum, please know, I'm not in this to change your beliefs. If you're a proud tax payer, then please, continue to do so. It's whatever makes you happy. People's hearts are always in the right place.  :thumbsup:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”  ~Plato

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