Not bad. One suggestion you may want to consider. I noticed you listed several banners in one of your posts. As your blog expands, these will probably get lost. You may want to look into creating a static second page where you post all your banners and referral links for quick reference. That way it could be a "one stop shop" for people, and some place you can easily refer a reader to as you make updates on the various sites you participate and promote.
I was also going to suggest looking into creating categories for your different sites so you could group your posts under those categories, but from my brief search on the capabilities of Blogger, it doesn't seem to support that feature at present.
Since you are getting started - consider the static page for your referral links first. If you find you are posting a lot of updates and getting a lot of traffic, and want to categorize your posts - you may need to look at other blogging solutions at that point in the future.
Hope this helps.