Quote from oldbuddy:
"Unfortunately the odds are against it working"
Thanks for responding, oldbuddy. I woke up on Saturday and realized that. So I completely re-worked the flyer and provided each person with my e-mail address first, requesting them to e-mail me if they were interested in signing up so I could send them a reply e-mail with their referral link (that I will then copy and paste from the FC referral link area) in the reply e-mail along with a thank-you for signing up with me and a contact number so that they can call me if they have any further questions or want a jump-start. I also told them in the flyer that it was critical that they watch your "Getting Started" tutorial right before they registered to be sure they got their $5 sign-up bonus.
It wasn't until my first referral person took the time to watch that particular tutorial that I got my $1 and $2 bonuses for her. She had omitted something in her registration information initially and only picked up on that after watching that video by you. She never did get her $5 sign-up bonus, though, because it took her three days to figure out what the problem was and it was already too late by then. I was still a newbie and wasn't savvy enough know how to assist her quickly enough.
Back to the current mailing I just distributed on Sunday. I spent all day Saturday re-working a letter of introduction (since I am a new member of this church) and a flyer I created outlining the steps for each person to follow if they are interested in giving FC a try and becoming one of my referrals. I then printed the revised versions, folded them nicely and placed them in personalized envelopes. I'm talking over 100 individuals or couples here, so the potential for new referrals was excellent and I wanted to be sure I didn't screw it up. Glad I didn't send out the original packages because the method I was suggesting in my original flyer wouldn't have worked. I would have gotten zero referrals for my trouble and you only get one shot at signing new people up. I also emphasized only one sign-up allowed per 'ip' address. Now the envelopes have gone out and I'll see what happens. I spent the greater part of last week working on all this, so wish me luck everyone!