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  • Why do people stay mad at each other for so long? 4 2
Topic: Why do people stay mad at each other for so long?  (Read 10096 times)


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Re: Why do people stay mad at each other for so long?
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2012, 11:40:20 pm »
Well that depends on why the person is mad. If it's a minor thing I say suck it up and get over it. If however it was a major thing and especially if the person hasn't apologized still being mad at them.


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Re: Why do people stay mad at each other for so long?
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2012, 05:25:41 am »
I wish I knew the answer. My daughter has been mad at me now for almost 4 months, and it's for something SHE did  :dontknow: some people just dont know how to let go!


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Re: Why do people stay mad at each other for so long?
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2012, 07:48:50 am »
I understand what you said and if it was something trivial I say try to forgive and move on. I have had experiences like that I guess we all have. There are sometimes when a situation calls for a measure of anger. I will not allow anyone to flagrantly step on my dignity if they do they bring about the complete and immediate dissolution of our relationship. In time the anger will subside but once the relationship is severed it's over. There are people who will attack you because they want to destroy your self esteem, your very being if they can. You must not associate with that element. You must preserve your inner peace. Think about it.


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Re: Why do people stay mad at each other for so long?
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2012, 08:56:39 am »
I do not know or understand.We have a similar situation.My daughter got mad at me and her father at Christmas and told my other daughter that if she never had to see any of us again so be it.And if it meant she would never see her 2 nieces she was fine with that too.Because to see them she would have to see us or her sister.And her nieces were the only reason she came around anyway.We do not understand and have tried to talk to her,but she answers no phone,text,emails or the door.She did her boyfriend the same way.She says we are all horrible people.Don't know why though.She won't explain it to us.She had no bad childhood,she was a good child growing up.She started dating some girl about 10 yrs ago and we think it has something to do with her.The other girl wants nothing to do with family.We don't agree with the same sex thing,but we were not gonna turn our daughter away because of it,so it's not that.We have no idea what is wrong with her.I am glad your situation cleared up for you.I wish ours would.
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