This Show.
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction is an American television anthology series aired by the Fox network from 1997 to 2002. Each episode featured five stories, all of which appeared to defy logic, and some of which were allegedly based on actual events. The viewer was offered the challenge of determining which are true and which are false. At the end of the show, it was revealed to the viewer whether the tales were true or works of fiction. The majority of stories on all shows were adapted from published, and previously unpublished, original material that had been written and researched by author Robert Tralins.
The stories told in the program all had some connection with the supernatural, ghosts, psychic phenomena, coincidences, destiny, and/or with other such unusual occurrences. Each episode, and every story within, were introduced and ended by the host with a pun, or some witticism, pertaining to the theme of the episode or story, and they always had the underlying moral that not everything that we perceive as truth and falsehood are as such, and that often it proves difficult to truly separate fact from fiction, hence the title.
The stories that proved to be fact were usually based on the first-hand research of author Robert Tralins, whereas some of those that proved to be fiction were modern-dress retellings of urban legends
It currently airs on the Chiller Network in the United States