You will see that you won't get approved until around the time the checks are sent out! That's why I'm not cashing out until the end of the month...It'll make the wait easier for me lol, and help me earn more $$$ 
Hi there hyphey92, if you don't mind me asking--- what type of offers are you generally doing? It took you half the offers I did for the same results!!!! Thanks*:*
Here's everything I've done =]
Basically the free offers and I have four active referralsPaid To Click - 03/10/2011 2011-03-10 $0.15 Approved
Special: Watch this CAUGHT ON TAPE: Orange Puppet Puts Smackdown on Robber video! 2011-03-10 $0.01 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/10/2011 2011-03-10 $0.02 Approved
Free iPad 2 2011-03-09 $0.75 Approved
Special: Watch this Cooking With Emeril Lagasse's Attorney video! 2011-03-09 $0.01 Approved
Special: Fox Business: Lou Dobbs Tonight 2011-03-09 $0.20 Approved
Paid To Click - 03/09/2011 2011-03-09 $0.15 Approved
Special: Watch this There Are No Apples In The Big Apple video! 2011-03-09 $0.01 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/09/2011 2011-03-09 $0.02 Approved
Special: Join myYearbook with One Click! 2011-03-08 $0.06 Approved
Special: Watch this Cooking With A Guy Who Looks A Bit Like Emeril Lagasse video! 2011-03-08 $0.02 Approved
Special: Which hot recording artist are you? 2011-03-08 $0.60 Approved
Special: Sign up for different games and quizzes 2011-03-08 $0.14 Approved
Special: Take the IQ Test! 2011-03-08 $0.28 Approved
Special: What’s your favorite Facebook game? 2011-03-08 $0.60 Approved
Special: Think Valentine’s Day is overrated? 2011-03-08 $0.60 Approved
Special: Which top celeb of 2010 are you? 2011-03-08 $0.48 Approved
Paid To Click - 03/08/2011 2011-03-08 $0.15 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/08/2011 2011-03-08 $0.02 Approved
Referral Bonus: juliedina 2011-03-07 $1.00 Approved
Offer Completion Bonus: juliedina 2011-03-07 $2.00 Approved
Special: Watch this Arby's video and share with your friends to earn cash! 2011-03-07 $0.01 Approved
Special: Watch this jennifer aniston goes viral video! 2011-03-07 $0.02 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/07/2011 2011-03-07 $0.02 Approved
Special: Watch an American Cancer Society video ft. Justin Bieber! 2011-03-07 $0.12 Approved
Twitter Follow Bonus 2011-03-06 $0.25 Approved
Paid To Click - 03/06/2011 2011-03-06 $0.15 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/06/2011 2011-03-06 $0.02 Approved
Referral Bonus: Wifey2009 2011-03-05 $1.00 Approved
Referral Bonus: xhill 2011-03-05 $1.00 Approved
Paid To Click - 03/05/2011 2011-03-05 $0.15 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 03/05/2011 2011-03-05 $0.02 Approved
Offer Completion Bonus: diamondhyphey 2011-03-04 $2.00 Approved
Referral Bonus: diamondhyphey 2011-03-04 $1.00 Approved
Special: Verify Characteristics of Product Listings (Category Recommendation) - f57bed00 2011-03-04 $0.20 Approved
Special: Did you steal a slice of paparoni pizza from the wrong pizza parlor? 2011-03-04 $0.64 Approved
Special: More Work: Choose the Best Search Result (slightly different instructions) - e9f4c335 2011-03-04 $0.32 Approved
Special: More Work: Choose the Best Search Result (slightly different instructions) - 8984828f 2011-03-04 $0.32 Approved
Special: Choose the Best Search Result (slightly different instructions) - 90b5baf5 2011-03-04 $0.32 Approved
Special: Answer a few question about websites - f6ff3e1b 2011-03-04 $0.16 Approved
Special: Watch this iMeet World's Greatest Meetings - Caesar video! 2011-03-04 $0.01 Approved
Special: Watch this Hamburger vs. David video! 2011-03-04 $0.02 Approved
Special: Watch this video from Virgin Mobile! 2011-03-04 $0.01 Approved
Win an iPhone 4 2011-03-04 $0.25 Approved
GiveUsYour2Cents - 03/04/2011 2011-03-04 $0.60 Approved
Special: Download and install Gamewrangler! 2011-03-04 $0.80 Approved
Paid To Click - 03/04/2011 2011-03-04 $0.15 Approved
WinCash247 2011-03-04 $0.25 Approved
AccountNow 2011-03-04 $1.50 Approved 2011-03-04 $0.50 Approved
2011 Stimulus Grants 2011-03-04 $0.75 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 02/28/2011 2011-02-28 $0.02 Approved
Daily Cash Email - 02/27/2011 2011-02-27 $0.02 Approved
Urban Warfare II 2011-02-26 $0.75 Approved
NPD Online Research 2011-02-26 $0.80 Approved
National Consumer Panel 2011-02-26 $1.00 Approved
RewardTV 2011-02-26 $0.75 Approved
Online Customer Survey 2011-02-25 $0.50 Approved
Opinion Square 2011-02-25 $1.25 Approved
Nielsen Digital Voice 2011-02-25 $2.25 Approved
MySurvey 2011-02-25 $2.50 Approved
Signup Bonus 2011-02-03 $5.00 Approved