Well then to answer a brunt of your questions why do we have OSHA standards then as well as multiple government entities to protect worker safety. Those are established to all without a union representative.
You make some valid points, but you're partly wrong. In some states you're required to be in a Union. There is no voting process in order to have it. If you want a job you must be in a union. What I'm a supporter of is the voting process which is a huge reason why I'm against the EFCA or Card Check as it's called in a lot of sectors being that it takes away the ability of secret ballots.
Look at all the bad of the unions, look at Detroit and California. They can't pay their bills, the factories are shutting down; places like Pittsburgh; a once thriving economy has had thier economy ruined and there is not a whole lot they can do. In Detroits case, the UAW has singlehandledly destroyed that entire area. The states are insolvant and there is nothing else to blame other than the fact that the Unions demanded far too much and the states agreed and now can't pay.
I think also, it demands to note that workers do have representation, your labor board in your state represents you if you feel you're unjustly fired. Why do you need to have union dues to pay for a service you may not need. In the long run, it costs you more for a service you may never use than for you to have a service that you could use if so needed. Commitees like the NRTW commitee represents you if you've been unjustly fired, there are multiple ways to have it happen and you as an individual make more money in the long run by only paying for services that you need at the current time.
States like Texas and Wyoming and Montana are having econmic booms right now and I think it rests on the fact that they are Right to Work states. I mean Toyota manufactures in the States as well as Honda and they're having increasing profits and are highly ranked as companies to work for yet they don't employee UAW members. Grocery chains like Wegmans refuses to allow unions yet they're ranked number 3 on Forbes list as far as profitability, worker compensation, and worker happiness; again, no union there.
This doesn't even begin to mention the amount of corruption that goes on the inside as well as the fact that your union dues are nothing but campaign funds for the DNC.
In the long run, I just see people who work in RTW states are earning more as well as not allowing for a tax burden on the people of the state. I on't see how it's fair that I as an individual should pay for someone elses retirement or healthcare when I'm doing a simular job . I think that's the biggest issue, you want a union great, but I don't see how they shoul nor have the ability to form PAC's as well as place demands on the tax payers of the state or locality to pay for things that they can get on their own. Also... if you don't like the job you can always leave...