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Topic: Hello , world, so, about those airports?  (Read 666 times)


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Hello , world, so, about those airports?
« on: December 01, 2010, 01:42:45 pm »
Just thought i'd catch up with d+d. ive seen the security issues arising with airport security. well, we can spend billions of dollars and give up every inch of privacy, but we will still never be able to prevent a terrorist attack from ever occurring. all this time, money, and privacy we're sacrificing is only a false sense of security. so what they screen all packages, bombs can look like printer cartridges. we have to stop kidding ourselves that we can prevent it from ever occuring and start moving forward with the issues we can control. putting everyone and their mother through a full body scanner maybe a little  tighter security-wise, but are we really safe? hell no.


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Re: Hello , world, so, about those airports?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 03:20:09 pm »
Amen! If terrorist really wanted to attack they'd find a way, they're not dumb!

In regards to the airports, you'll get people on both sides of the fence. If something did happen then people would complain that the airports didn't do enough and they complain right now cause they are doing too much. No one will ever be happy, people just need to get over it. :wave:


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Re: Hello , world, so, about those airports?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 04:50:39 pm »
This reminds me of when I was in high school and they made us carry mesh or clear backpacks.  When you stop to think about it, though, it didn't make any sense at all for a school shooter to put a gun in their backpack because they would have to pull the backpack off their back, dig around in it, either drop the backpack or put it back on their back, reorient themselves to the room, take aim, and fire.  Plenty of time for the room to clear or someone to tackle the would-be shooter.  Planning needs to go into an attack like that, and the one who would just sling a gun in their backpack really isn't going to succeed.

While on the topic of the airports, though, does anyone else have the sneaking suspicion that the TSA is really just ripping off XBox here?  Sounds an awful lot like the Kinect... only people are paying for the Kinect when they can just go down to the local airport and have it done for free...  :dontknow:

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