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Topic: stress  (Read 1256 times)


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« on: November 10, 2010, 05:07:20 pm »
how does a person relieve stress?


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Re: stress
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 09:28:18 pm »
 have a drink, do some drugs, play some music, ride a horse, storm chase, photography, Sleep, have sex, have sex with yourself, paint, Ride a bike, skydive, swim, hiking, snowboard, run, jog, skip, walk, Powerwalk, Americas Funniest Home Video's, Zack Galifinackis, skate, skateboard, watch Jackass, play bass guitar, spy on someone, prank call someone, get some fish, crochet, knitt, sew, needlepoint, Ceramics, *bleep*, hentai, collect swords, go to a star trek convention, take a vacation, sail across the atlantic ocean, soak your feet, get a massage(WITH A HAPPY ENDING!) go to a club, go to a concert, go to a strip bar, get a puppy, go to an animal shelter and volunteer, tennis, basketball, Jai Lai, ping pong, hot tub,  niagra falls vacation, stand on your head for 5 minutes, keg stand, manicure, pedicure, facial, mud bath, hot spings, oxygen therapy, yoyo's,
walk your dog, pet your cat, go for a drive, have someone drive for you, clean your house, gardening, landscaping, write, write a song, write about writing a song about how to relieve stress, chocolate cake(good one),play videogames, play card games, gamble, water ski, jet ski, go fishing, go deep sea diving, go spelunking, hang with your friends, play dance revolution, get a balloon for yourself, help an old lady cross the street, work on your car, chop some wood, go "noodling" for catfish, basediving, buy yourself flowers and pretend its from a secret admirer, tape a dollar to your shirt and claim it's your birthday, yoga, kama sutra, go see Down and get in the mosh pit, and throw some mf's around, streetfight, fightclub, golf, fly a kite, roll down a hill at a park with green grass, go to the beach, sunbathe, amusement park, surf, look at the blue sky and figure out "cloud" animals, drink hot chocolate on a cold day, do the dishes, take a bath, take a shower, organize your magic cards, post in the Fusion Cash Forum, wash your clothes, wash your dog, wash your cat, wash your car, cut the grass(on a riding mower, so you can drink a beer at the same time, of course, just don't ride it into town, you'll get pulled over and arrested!) make paper airplanes and have dogfights with your kids, raise pidgeons, collect stamps, go to a museum, fall asleep in fields of golden grain on a perfectly sunny day!

I don't know, just try to get some sleep, Man!
BOBBYBLUEBLAND-CHARLESMINGUS-CLASSICALMUSIC-BILLHICKS LordoftheRingsTheMatrixKingpin,Mybaseguitar,Mybowlingballs,300game
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Re: stress
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 12:35:57 am »
That's easy for me.  I get on World of Warcraft and kill a few things go into some battlegrounds and kill a few people there and then run some dungeons and kill a whole bunch of monsters and by the time I'm done I feel better again.  However there are a couple of other possible choices sometimes :heart: :female: :male: but I think that might be inappropriate for his string :angel12: lol


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Re: stress
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 06:43:51 am »
That's easy for me.  I get on World of Warcraft and kill a few things go into some battlegrounds and kill a few people there and then run some dungeons and kill a whole bunch of monsters and by the time I'm done I feel better again.  However there are a couple of other possible choices sometimes :heart: :female: :male: but I think that might be inappropriate for his string :angel12: lol

Woot!  A Wow player!  I usually am raiding ICC on wednesday and thursday nights, and even though I'm healing, it does relieve stress to focus on those little health bars and play whack-a-mole and forget about anything else for a bit.  Although, we are working on downing the Lich King, so we've not been doing so well....  :thumbsup:

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