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Topic: "Nigerian Love Scams"  (Read 3288 times)


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Re: "Nigerian Love Scams"
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2010, 10:17:46 am »
 Has anyone lost any money to any Nigerian love scams or know someone that has?  I know a couple of guys that have and one who is convinced it isn't s scam but I think it is.  He posted his picture and info on FaceBook, he was immediately bombarded by women...desperate, crazed women.  ::)  There was a younger one that just happened to be named "Emerald" which coincided with the birthstone for this guy's birthday...this guy was convinced her being named after his birthstone was a "sign" and she's his soulmate.  She's emailed him pictures, she's not pretty at all...but he thinks she is.  He has sent her money repeatedly, money for her birthday so she could buy herself a birthday cake.  Money for clothes which she claimed someone stole when she was taking a shower so he sent her more money.  Within a few months, her grandma died (and needed money for funeral & burial costs), then her mom died (again, more money).  She was supposed to come to US last year but she supposedly got into a fight at the airport with another woman so she needed more money for bail.  The guy called the police there and they said they had noone in custody by that name nor did they earlier.  After that, the guy hasn't said anything for over a year.  Now he's telling people she started her own business there and she's raised the money to come to US soon and he knows she's not a scam because he's been talking to her and seeing her by webcam...everyone that knows him still thinks it's a scam.  What do you think?
I know two people that got taken in with this scam. I was surprised because they are well educated. Each lost a considerable ammount of money.


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Re: "Nigerian Love Scams"
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2010, 01:01:30 pm »
my apologies to your guys that were affected by this.... that must have sucked. :BangHead:

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