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Topic: What do you all think happens when we die?  (Read 8828 times)


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2009, 06:08:19 am »
 :) And here is the real problem: No one who has passed away has come back to let us know where they went. I used to worry about death...not any more. Now I believe in everlasting life...somewhere in the universe...where there will be no more death!


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #61 on: November 11, 2009, 06:10:03 am »
We do have recounts of near death experiences...Do you suppose the fact that some are similar may bear some relevance?


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2009, 02:17:38 pm »
I am of the Pagan belief and my people believe that for those who have lead rich and fulfilling lives and followed the code, they shall pass into the afterlife and be lead into Summerland. Here there are rich rolling hills, grassy plains, beauty everywhere. There will be no buildings or smog. Just natural fresh air and rich land. Of course, for those who used the craft to cause harm or for personal gain with pass into Tartarus where they shall suffer threefold for the harm they caused during their life.


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2009, 06:51:48 pm »
:) And here is the real problem: No one who has passed away has come back to let us know where they went.
Sure they have, and always have, it's just that most people these days can't quiet their minds enough to hear. It takes great amounts of practice and some still can't develop it.

I'm not talking about hocus pocus ghosts etc, but rather of the fact that our Ancestors act as guides to us from the other side.

You hear of people claiming to have awakened in the middle of a sound sleep and the answer to some problem they have been struggling with was suddenly clear to them. They claim they have had an epiphany......naaaa, it just took a sound sleep to quiet their mind enough to hear what their guides were telling them.

Whether one believes this is true or not it would be well worth the effort to practice the act of relaxing and quieting the mind and tuning our receptors inward, periodicly, just for the stress reducing effect calming ourselves brings.


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2009, 09:17:58 am »
:) And here is the real problem: No one who has passed away has come back to let us know where they went.
Sure they have, and always have, it's just that most people these days can't quiet their minds enough to hear. It takes great amounts of practice and some still can't develop it.

I'm not talking about hocus pocus ghosts etc, but rather of the fact that our Ancestors act as guides to us from the other side.

You hear of people claiming to have awakened in the middle of a sound sleep and the answer to some problem they have been struggling with was suddenly clear to them. They claim they have had an epiphany......naaaa, it just took a sound sleep to quiet their mind enough to hear what their guides were telling them.

Whether one believes this is true or not it would be well worth the effort to practice the act of relaxing and quieting the mind and tuning our receptors inward, periodicly, just for the stress reducing effect calming ourselves brings.

What are you talking about?

We do have recounts of near death experiences...Do you suppose the fact that some are similar may bear some relevance?

No.  Why should it?  The brain is a very powerful "entity."  It is composed largely of chemical processes.  When someone "dies" to the point that their brain and body shut down, these chemicals fire away and start to "extinguish."  This is going to create some odd reactions to say the least.

If we are to assume what you say has relevance, we should also assume that the people who "died" and were revived only to say bluntly that there was absolutely nothing there is relevant.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 09:24:13 am by liljp617 »


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2009, 09:49:03 am »

Why would a "manipulative" God give His only Son to die a horrible death of the cross --to save your soul and mine from hell?
That is love--how many of you would offer the life of your only child or first born to save someone you didn't know ( liars, thieves, fornicators, gossipers, murderers etc..)?

You can't make the claim that God sent himself to die for our sins in one post and then in the very next post say he sent his son.  Make up your mind.  What you're telling me is that God sent himself in human form, so he could die on a cross and resurrect so we could be saved from some evil *bleep* inherently present because some idiots ate fruit from a magical tree.

Well, as the trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit--they are one. However, they each have seperate duties. Just as water is one
entity but can assume different forms.

You seem to be a person who believes in doing your research--as I have stated before--you seem to have some thoughts--what research is it based on? You can't base it on your having a good life but just not choosing to believe. I am eager to hear your response to my challenge from previous post regarding reading a book of the Bible to research. I initially suggested one of the gospels, but I think with your scientific mind the book of Romans would be better. If you accept the challenge and
research the book of Romans--then let's talk.

Talk to you soon.

False analogy.  Water is never steam and ice at the same time.  It is never ice and liquid at the same time.  Water undergoes chemical processes which change its structure from one form to another, and it ceases to be any other form.  The Trinity states that God is three separate entities all at the same time and that each entity within the Trinity is fully God simultaneously.  This is not the case with water, as water can never take on more than a single form simultaneously -- it is either solid, liquid, or gas, and no combination of the two/three.

This is no different from all the other silly analogies people use to describe the Trinity doctrine.  The clover is another commonly used, the human body/mind/soul another, trees, etc. etc.  None of them make sense, as they all get caught up at the fact that God is three separate entities fully and simultaneously.

Never mind that the doctrine of Trinity is no where to be found in the Bible.  It was made up by the Council of Nicaea/Emperor Constantine in 325 AD.  It has historical origins, of course, in Jewish philosophies, but it wasn't practiced until it was officially sanctioned by a committee who set out to define God (the Council of Nicaea).

As for the "challenge," I don't know what you're talking about.  I've read the Bible twice, cover to cover, and done plenty of my own research into the history, the origins, and the interpretations.  What am I specifically researching?  You want me to read a random book from the Bible and research things about it?  Been there, done that.

Off topic, please attempt to keep the quote tags correct if you want to have a discussion.  It's very difficult to follow things when your responses are thrown in the middle of one of my previous posts and the quotes are messed up.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 09:53:33 am by liljp617 »


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #66 on: November 12, 2009, 10:01:38 am »
:) And here is the real problem: No one who has passed away has come back to let us know where they went. I used to worry about death...not any more. Now I believe in everlasting life...somewhere in the universe...where there will be no more death!

I know someone who dropped dead at the hospital. They revived him. He told me many things...


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #67 on: November 12, 2009, 10:03:12 am »
:) And here is the real problem: No one who has passed away has come back to let us know where they went. I used to worry about death...not any more. Now I believe in everlasting life...somewhere in the universe...where there will be no more death!

I know someone who dropped dead at the hospital. They revived him. He told me many things...



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I'm still confused on how to reply to posts and get credit
« Reply #68 on: June 10, 2010, 04:33:51 pm »
Okay I'm new at posting on the message boards and not sure how to reply to post and still get credit. Am I missing something?


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2010, 04:44:21 pm »
We will all be in a safe waiting place where we will be waiting for judgement day.  My grandmother would say limbo.  It hard to say.


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2010, 04:47:07 pm »
It's hard to say depending on what your beliefs and faith entails. Some believe in an afterlife and others do not and even those who do believe all have different opinions on what that is. A lot has to do with what you were told when growing up.


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #71 on: June 11, 2010, 11:16:54 am »
I'm sorry you posted this, because it seems like you were looking for a holy answer that has God and all that crap, but I have to add to the "we just die" statement.  Honestly, I claim agnostic over atheist because I dont want to think we just die and nothing happens - that is the only thing beyond that I dont believe in God or a religion -  but if we just die, then we just die.  Because I dont want to think about the stupid heaven/hell crap.  Hell was a creation of Dante anyway, a fictional comedy writer btw! 
Just live your life to the best you can and treasure your time with your kids because they grow up too fast and move away anyway.  Think happy thoughts and never grow up!!!

I haven't read all the answers in this thread yet, but I just had to post in response to this. (someone else may have already done so). Heaven and Hell are mentioned in the Bible, which was written long before Dante ever existed. Dante Alighieri (May/June c.1265 – September 14, 1321) was an Italian poet in the Middle Ages...long after the Christian church was established.


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #72 on: June 11, 2010, 11:57:08 am »
we turn into dirt and make plants very happy


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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2010, 11:42:59 pm »
If you mean what your thinking about or see when you die, for me, I see
it like this.

 If you die of natural causes, your thoughts race and your mind becomes noisy. You may begin to babble about things you have done before in the past, all the time still remaining in the now and the reality that your body is failing you, because its reached its limit. Your heart has beat the maximum  capacity for your lifetime. The muscles of your heart aren't pumping at that rhythm that you used to hear when you were younger. Your brain tries to compensate for the problems, but to no avail. Your frontal Cortex is failing you, you can't comprehend things like you used to, but then again, should you have to anymore?
 Electric impulses in your brain throw out sporatic signals to all of your major organs. This would have been a fail-safe in your healthier days, but now it just doesn't happen fast enough. Some of those signals from your brain are recieved as pain,( a pre cursor to what organs are, or have been failing inside), and some messages miss their vital mark all together. The cells in your body are weak, and are no longer equipt to recieve these signals, or to regenerate damaged tissue that would keep you alive. Your immune system is virtually non exsistent, and no longer has the power to keep bacteria and viruses at bay.  All of the systems that govern your well being and health are essentially, worn out.

Your anxiety heightens in anticipation as your sight fades in and out.
Sort of a mix of noise and voices and senses-between what's going on
around you, what's being said, and your own thoughts in your head-the
agony of your pain or sickness, regret, sorrow, anticipation of your own
 demise, ect. You might start reaching for people that aren't there, or grabbing your loved ones.  Then your awareness becomes distorted, and you feel like
your whole body is losing circulation, that tingling feeling you get when
 your leg falls asleep and then the blood rushes back in and your
breathing begins to slow- but its not a bad thing.The sounds of the physical
world fade away slowly, and you begin to forget exactly what or were you are as you toon in to your own little space. Your Thoughts may end up taking you back
to a place where you were most happy in your past life, like when you
were a kid or something, or thee first house you ever lived in, your first dog that you loved so much, your greatest life-changing accomplishments' moments. Of course, its not the same for everyone, so use your imagination.

Once you arive in this space, as your body begins to give out, no one looks familiar anymore.You slowly begin to hear this sound, soft at first, then slowly growing louder,and louder, sort of like an old television tuned into a non-broadcasting station.You know,that white noise sound you hear? Just like that, only peacefull and comforting. Everything slowly begins to fade to black, your eyes are fixed in one direction,and your breath  begins to give, and you're dead.  Your bladder and bowels will probably release, and you begin the stages of riggor.

 Nothing to fear anymore. Nothing to doubt...........

 The doctor comes in, and pronounces you dead at such and such a time, and your family mourns you,  You go to the coroner, you have an autopsy(organs are weighed, examined and recorded to see if they weref healthy, or if you could have died from something else, a disease ect)-if necessary or if you wanted it. Then you are released to the funeral home, where your body is prepared for burial or cremation.
You have a funeral, or whatever kind of ceremony you wanted(if your family doesnt fight over everything!) You will either go to ground, get creamated, get scattered in the ocean or shot into space or whatever your family members or what you decided to do with your remains. If you are in the ground, moisture, bacteria, fungi, and other organisms begin to break you down to your bones slowly, to be recycled back into the dirt for further use and nourishment to other creatures. In other words-Worm Food!!!!! Do not mistake going to ground for anything biblical, its just
nature breaking down what no longer has life!  We are dying everyday,you
Hey..... you asked!!!! :thumbsup:
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Re: What do you all think happens when we die?
« Reply #74 on: June 12, 2010, 09:40:26 am »
you meat your love ones that have gong on a head of u in death in the spirit world will be their 2 meat u their and learn all u need 2 know 2 live with your Heavenly Farther! in His home where u came from be fir u came to this earth.

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