Those little "nature made" electric hybrid cars!!! Pain in my craw, because they are useless, and I feel like everytime I see one, 20 clowns are going to pop out of them right in the middle of the highway, and clowns are CREEPY!!!!
Friggin' hilarious.
1.) I cannot STAND slow drivers. When it's 50, go 50. Not 30. What really gets me fired up about it is they're a major cause of aggressive driving and yet they complain about all the 'crazy fast' drivers on the road. Well maybe if you'd speed up, people wouldn't be winging around you and cutting you off like everyone does. If it's a 2-lane road and you have a whole parade behind you, PULL OVER FOR A MINUTE. This goes out to all you soccer moms, naive yuppies, old people, and illegal immigrants.
2.) If there's a stale green light up ahead, DON'T SLOW DOWN AND STOP, MORON! IT'S A GREEN LIGHT! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!? GOOOO! Ghaaaad...I hate Chicago.
3.) I also can't stand people who talk during movies. If it's at the theater or at home. It's amplified when they pull out their phone and start texting too. I still don't understand why anyone would even do that. LEAVE THE THEATER! How damn rude do you have to be? Fortunately I worked at a theater when I was a teen and kicked people out for it with the security guard. Good times.
4.) Another thing that gets me is how all the people my age are living in a place better than me and yet they either have no job or don't have a well-paid one. And they even go on expensive vacations and all that. Maybe I'm just responsible and hate CC debt, but what the heck? How do they keep doing it? Grrr.
5.) Dogs barking nonstop. Especially in the morning. This is bad for everyones health in the neighborhood. If you can't train your dog to shutup, you are irresponsible moron who shouldn't have a dog. Let alone kids who you swear and scream at all day. Wow.
6.) Idiot naive bosses.
7.) People who cut in line. I'm the type that usually calls them out on it though.