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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: mrisha on May 05, 2020, 09:45:05 pm

Title: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: mrisha on May 05, 2020, 09:45:05 pm
This is a mess.  Trump is telling people that all will be ok.  It's not going to be okay because the Scientists are telling him that May 15th is too early for people to revert back to normal.  What will be the norm?  People are going to get rid of their much needed masks.  It is being said that the second wave of the Virus will be worse.  I think there will be total chaos when  individuals remove their masks to end Social Distancing.  Bad Idea.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: dancer139 on May 07, 2020, 11:45:03 am
Not a good idea to get of your mask just yet !!  There are still a lot of people out there who have this virus and are still spreading it around and don't even know they have it...  and they don't care about spreading it around.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: gwilson31 on May 07, 2020, 12:19:33 pm
I have no idea what "normal" is now.  When this whole thing began I felt odd wearing a mask  Now I always wear my mask out and don't think twice about it.  I honestly do not know why some people feel it is such a hassle to wear a mask.  ::)
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: tjshorty on May 07, 2020, 12:22:39 pm
We haven't been (forced) to wear masks.  The essential workers have to at work.  I put one in my car for when I go into the store.  Was supposed to get a discount for doing so.  I haven't got the discount and never asked for it either.  You sure don't want to be spending a lot of time shopping with  a mask on.  But I am an in and out shopper anyway.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: calendria on May 07, 2020, 02:21:28 pm

I like that!!  "In n' Out Shopper"    I too have become an "in and out shopper!"  No more cruising the aisles looking for discontinued items and clearance prices, if it isn't in the bin forget it!   
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: pkrahmer on May 07, 2020, 02:38:28 pm
i agree people should still be wearing masks. Masks are now manditory in Mass. You can get fined if you don't wear one when you go out. Keep in mind all of us are potential carriers with or without symptoms. The main purpose of the mak is to protect others from you. :rainbow: :peace: :wave:
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 07, 2020, 05:00:28 pm
This is a mess.  Trump is telling people that all will be ok.  It's not going to be okay because the Scientists are telling him that May 15th is too early for people to revert back to normal.  What will be the norm?  People are going to get rid of their much needed masks.  It is being said that the second wave of the Virus will be worse.  I think there will be total chaos when  individuals remove their masks to end Social Distancing.  Bad Idea.

It is going to be okay.  The foolish people are the ones running around with masks and gloves. ::)

I love the way you are trying to blame Trump for this.  smh   If you want to wear a mask then by all means wear one.  Stay locked up in your homes.  Maybe you are the other fearful will wake up one day.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 07, 2020, 05:01:48 pm
Not a good idea to get of your mask just yet !!  There are still a lot of people out there who have this virus and are still spreading it around and don't even know they have it...  and they don't care about spreading it around.

I have no idea what "normal" is now.  When this whole thing began I felt odd wearing a mask  Now I always wear my mask out and don't think twice about it.  I honestly do not know why some people feel it is such a hassle to wear a mask.  ::)

And I don't see why people think it is such a necessary thing to have a mask on.  The cdc originally said the mask did not do any good.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: Nancy5 on May 07, 2020, 07:08:29 pm
I wear a mask when I go out.  In my state you are required to wear one when you go into stores.  I think it’s a great idea, and if you don’t wear one that’s your choice but as our secretary of health says, my mask protects you and your mask protects me. 
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: dreamyxo on May 07, 2020, 09:35:25 pm
I hate that people don't understand that wearing masks benefits everyone.  People are walking around here asymptomatic and spreading it but refusing to wear one just makes me mad. 
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: potluck6 on May 07, 2020, 10:03:33 pm
My son,daughter in law and grandson are coming by Sunday for a short visit think I'll wear a mask. My son works with a few people he wears a mask and keeps a distance. Our son who lives with us shops for us. Haven't gone out for what 6 weeks. My husband thinks I'm nuts to wear a mask I say to each his own.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: lywb2168 on May 08, 2020, 05:27:11 am
I think the masks should be mandatory specially if you are sick, but messages are so contradictory that it is hard to make a decision
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: nannycoe1 on May 08, 2020, 05:45:21 am
I think a mask should be a requirement for all
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: elvisdo on May 08, 2020, 07:50:54 am
It's still mandatory to wear a mask when going into a store, but it's 50/50 when just walking around outside.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: ktheodos on May 08, 2020, 08:09:01 am
Masks aren't 100% effective, especially since people don't always wear them properly, but they are better than nothing...it is frustrating to see people not wearing them or not wearing them properly. I see more and more people becoming more anxious and not following distancing orders either, which is also frustrating. I can understand not wearing masks outside or in your own car, but when around others you should.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: pectacon on May 08, 2020, 09:58:56 am
The mask is to protect others from your own germs, not you from the world. Even then, they aren't 100% effective especially makeshift cloth ones. I think the psychological aspect is a big part of it.. people probably just feel safer if those around them are masked and it makes them complain less.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: vg7405 on May 08, 2020, 11:56:26 am
Donald Trump is a Class A moron. No wonder the leaders of other countries make fun of him. We (the US) are the laughing stock of the global community because of this fool. I guarantee if he contracted COVID-19, he would somehow blame the Democrats, Hilary Clinton, or anyone else he does not like.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 08, 2020, 12:51:29 pm
I think the masks should be mandatory specially if you are sick, but messages are so contradictory that it is hard to make a decision

IF you are sick then you should stay at home. Same with the flu. It is unreal how many people have the flu and go to Walmart. ::)
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 08, 2020, 12:52:10 pm
It's still mandatory to wear a mask when going into a store, but it's 50/50 when just walking around outside.

It is not mandatory to wear a mask when you go in to a store. Maybe where you live but over all it is not.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 08, 2020, 12:53:51 pm
Masks aren't 100% effective, especially since people don't always wear them properly, but they are better than nothing...it is frustrating to see people not wearing them or not wearing them properly. I see more and more people becoming more anxious and not following distancing orders either, which is also frustrating. I can understand not wearing masks outside or in your own car, but when around others you should.

OR you can just stay at home if you are scared to be around people. The rest of us are going to get on with living their lives. You gonna feel real foolish when you realize this is all a hoax. 
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 08, 2020, 12:55:23 pm
The mask is to protect others from your own germs, not you from the world. Even then, they aren't 100% effective especially makeshift cloth ones. I think the psychological aspect is a big part of it.. people probably just feel safer if those around them are masked and it makes them complain less.

Most people could care less if somebody complains. If you do not feel safe being around people then stay at home.  Use delivery services and order online.  I am also noticing the whine bags that make snide remarks about people not wearing a mask are getting put in their place more and more.  You do what you think you need to do and don't worry about every one else.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 08, 2020, 12:57:18 pm
Donald Trump is a Class A moron. No wonder the leaders of other countries make fun of him. We (the US) are the laughing stock of the global community because of this fool. I guarantee if he contracted COVID-19, he would somehow blame the Democrats, Hilary Clinton, or anyone else he does not like.

lol YOU are a Class A moron. The only fools are the idiots that are blaming President Trump for this virus.  It is funny cause what you say can be turned around on you but you just can't see that.  The dumorats are blaming Trump for the virus in every way possible.  We need to ship all the fearful cupcakes to their own island with a box of masks.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: debidoo on May 08, 2020, 02:56:49 pm
Wow I am so glad I am not the only one of that opinion.  People in the Orlando area were trying on dresses in a fancy dress shop and going about their business like everything was back to normal.  I know we all wish it were so but I am in agreement with you the worst is very possibly yet to come.  I am not changing anything about what I am doing.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: linderlizzie on May 08, 2020, 05:20:20 pm
Donald Trump is a Class A moron. No wonder the leaders of other countries make fun of him. We (the US) are the laughing stock of the global community because of this fool. I guarantee if he contracted COVID-19, he would somehow blame the Democrats, Hilary Clinton, or anyone else he does not like.

Takes one to know one. How you can call this President such a disrespectful term is beyond my comprehension. A moron is a person with an intellectual disability. Can you cite one incident which indicates to you in any way that our President has this disability? Do you set yourself above his intellectual prowess? How many businesses do you control? How much money did you make last year? How many people have you helped in this country?

And just exactly which leaders are making fun of our President? Can you name one? Which countries are making fun of us? Can you tell me that? Where do you get your information citing these alleged opinions of us by other countries? Other countries fear us and hate us because we are better off than all of them. Isn't that why there are so many people from other countries trying so hard to get into this country? They want a better life.

I wish more people loved this country. Just take one trip to another country. Just one. You'll see why we are way better off being here and probably always will be.

As for blaming others as you mentioned, President Trump does not play the blame game until he has sufficient evidence to back up his claims. Some people just go off on a rant when they don't like someone. They don't even really need a reason at all. Isn't that sad? :'(
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: gtdoss on May 08, 2020, 06:34:30 pm
I guess we'll have to hope that based on what we've heard and seen around us (you know, real life), people will keep their masks on for the time being. I mean, it's doubtful that many people in my little part of the world have COVID-19, but I am not willing to bet my life on it. I'm 58 years old and diabetic, plus lung issues. Everyone needs to have at least a modicum of common sense! I don't think it's the end of the world or anything like that, but I do think everyone wearing a mask at this particular time might be what saves your (or someone else's) life. JMHO.  :peace: :heart:
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: aflyingmonkey on May 09, 2020, 03:00:27 pm
If masks work, why do businesses need to be closed?
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: sipingyu on May 09, 2020, 05:04:33 pm
Agree, in MA, pretty much everyone has their masks on when on the outside, which I think is responsible to themselves and others
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: surveygrabber on May 10, 2020, 01:34:28 am
People will have to wear their face mask until this crisis is over. They will have to do this even if they are in states that are reopening (which is too soon).
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 10, 2020, 04:48:32 am
People will have to wear their face mask until this crisis is over. They will have to do this even if they are in states that are reopening (which is too soon).

People do not have to wear face masks now.  Some places but not all.  Hilarious is our local police are looking for a guy, asking who can identify this person, who walked in to a store and opened the cash register and took the money. ::)  He has on a hat and basically you can see his eyes.  And they are blurry. lol
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: gwilson31 on May 10, 2020, 05:26:13 am
Donald Trump is a Class A moron. No wonder the leaders of other countries make fun of him. We (the US) are the laughing stock of the global community because of this fool. I guarantee if he contracted COVID-19, he would somehow blame the Democrats, Hilary Clinton, or anyone else he does not like.

Takes one to know one. How you can call this President such a disrespectful term is beyond my comprehension. A moron is a person with an intellectual disability. Can you cite one incident which indicates to you in any way that our President has this disability? Do you set yourself above his intellectual prowess? How many businesses do you control? How much money did you make last year? How many people have you helped in this country?

And just exactly which leaders are making fun of our President? Can you name one? Which countries are making fun of us? Can you tell me that? Where do you get your information citing these alleged opinions of us by other countries? Other countries fear us and hate us because we are better off than all of them. Isn't that why there are so many people from other countries trying so hard to get into this country? They want a better life.

I wish more people loved this country. Just take one trip to another country. Just one. You'll see why we are way better off being here and probably always will be.

As for blaming others as you mentioned, President Trump does not play the blame game until he has sufficient evidence to back up his claims. Some people just go off on a rant when they don't like someone. They don't even really need a reason at all. Isn't that sad? :'(

 :highfive:  Well said.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: sdenimandlace1 on May 10, 2020, 05:55:28 am
Very well put, linderlizze you did good.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: Mizzkizz7 on May 10, 2020, 09:07:50 pm
I'm always going to wear my mask going into stores no matter what, Not taking any chances at all!
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: singletonb on May 10, 2020, 10:11:16 pm
I am glad that I have the freedom to wear a mask or not to wear a mask.  I choose to wear one.  Even if this virus wasn't reeking havoc all over the world, I think a mask would be most helpful during flu season.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: suemgross on May 11, 2020, 04:58:24 am
I also have a lot of concerns about what may or may not happen next.  Anyone who listens to Trump is an idiot.   Everyone knows he lies and doesn't care about the American People.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 11, 2020, 08:19:10 am
I also have a lot of concerns about what may or may not happen next.  Anyone who listens to Trump is an idiot.   Everyone knows he lies and doesn't care about the American People.

Any one who listens to the media is an idiot. Trump has done more for the American people than any president in history. And he does not lie.  If you like being controlled you should move to a communist country. You don't vote any way so your opinion does not count.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: mapiklfish on May 11, 2020, 05:37:09 pm
Probably a lone voice here and will get jumped on but I am Totally Against All Mask Requirements!!!!!  My husband and I have not worn one.  We are both old and high risk.  NO MASKS!  We don't need any more government nanny laws!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: teresa3200 on May 11, 2020, 06:43:52 pm
I think everyone should wear one in public for now since this is such a terrible virus that has and will continue to kill so many.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 12, 2020, 08:56:54 am
Probably a lone voice here and will get jumped on but I am Totally Against All Mask Requirements!!!!!  My husband and I have not worn one.  We are both old and high risk.  NO MASKS!  We don't need any more government nanny laws!!!!!!!!!

You are not the lone voice. Have you not read the other comments? There are several who do not agree with the masks or other control measures that are taking place. You are right - you likely will get jumped on. lol

If you want to wear a mask then wear one. If you want to hide in your home then hide. The rest of us are going to go on living. And no we won't get sick.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: 1imaginarygirl on May 12, 2020, 06:07:27 pm
I have not worn a mask at all. I have trouble breathing through my nose on a nice day, without pollution or allergens. I'm not interested in passing out from lack of oxygen.

My husband's employer started requiring masks today. They sent him home with two of them. I asked if he could blow out a match while wearing it. He tried it, and the match went out. Please explain how his breath can get through, but the virus cannot? These homemade masks can stop large droplets of fluid, but they're not going to stop virus particles. Sorry, I'm not buying it.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: ancmetro on May 12, 2020, 11:35:17 pm

     Wearing masks is not a bad idea because of world wide air pollution.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: countrygirl12 on May 13, 2020, 07:41:39 am
I have not worn a mask at all. I have trouble breathing through my nose on a nice day, without pollution or allergens. I'm not interested in passing out from lack of oxygen.

My husband's employer started requiring masks today. They sent him home with two of them. I asked if he could blow out a match while wearing it. He tried it, and the match went out. Please explain how his breath can get through, but the virus cannot? These homemade masks can stop large droplets of fluid, but they're not going to stop virus particles. Sorry, I'm not buying it.

That is an excellent point about the blowing out a match.  The virus is so microscopic that you need a powerful microscope to see it.  More powerful that the regular ones.  The CDC even said this.  The CDC said when this first started the masks did not help anything and basically it was foolish to wear one.  The only people who need them are health care workers.  And health care workers can't get them because churches have 500 plus masks hoarded up because they are afraid to breathe around others.

We went to the grocery store this morning. ALL of the workers had on masks.  The one girl had the mask pulled up to below her bottom lip. smh

Less than half the customers had on a mask. But the ones who wear them got some pretty evil glares they are shooting at those of us who do not wear one.  People need to get a grip.  Do what makes you feel comfortable and leave every one else alone.  I do think more and more employers may require a mask.  I will NOT wear one.  I mostly work alone so no one would know the difference.  I think the thing behind that is so they can't get sued if someone gets sick while they are at work.  Dang, I wish I had known bad colds and the flu were reasons to sue an employer.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: cathy37 on May 13, 2020, 11:24:16 am
I try wearing my mask, but after awhile I have to take it off because I feel like I just can't breath.  I don't like close spaces so the mask makes me feel like I am in a close space.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: Mizzkizz7 on May 13, 2020, 07:46:43 pm
I wore a mask today and I had a hard time breathing and lowered it some. It made me hot too, and it was hot in Walmart which was very strange..
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: nmbrown863 on May 13, 2020, 07:57:42 pm
I am keeping my masks for sure!
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: bretay on May 14, 2020, 06:00:52 am
we wear a mask when going out...with all this stuff going on..even with the flu..it's not gonna hurt..they do take some getting used to..especially in walmart,where the temperature is never right..
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: heypeg on May 14, 2020, 04:28:56 pm
I think you should err on the side of caution and keep the mask for now.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: darkxtsuna on May 14, 2020, 05:37:46 pm
Yup same on my end as well, While I tell my family to keep them on when they go out.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: teresa3200 on May 14, 2020, 07:25:11 pm
Masks only prevent the wearer from spreading it, thats why I think everyone should wear one. I wear one to protect others, it is so selfish others arent wearing one to protect me.
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: plennis on May 15, 2020, 06:56:07 am
I think you should err on the side of caution and keep the mask for now.

It is just common sense to do so, shows that you have respect for others and your own health. 
Title: Re: A Lot OFoolish People Getting Rid Of Their Masks
Post by: aflyingmonkey on May 15, 2020, 10:23:47 am
Masks only prevent the wearer from spreading it, thats why I think everyone should wear one. I wear one to protect others, it is so selfish others arent wearing one to protect me.

I agree with this, it is so selfish not to wear one.   I went to the grocery store for the first time in over a month today & although I don't believe the hype over contagion, I wore a mask & gloves out of respect towards others.  We live in a society & if it makes people feel comfortable, I'll wear a mask, that is fine with me.

I love wearing a mask when I run daily, it keeps my face warm in the early morning -- I'm going to buy a gaiter & always wear one :)