FC Community
Discussion Boards => Offers => Topic started by: freedomjarhead2512 on March 02, 2019, 10:02:31 am
Hey everyone,
Just looking for tips or advice on how to pop PTC without using Tap/tasks/coupons/watching TV?
If you do not want to complete offers on the videos page, try FC surveys or Peanut Lab surveys. I have had pretty good luck with qualifying for both of those in recent weeks. I qualified for today's PTC through an FC survey, and I just qualified for tomorrow's PTC through a Peanut Labs survey.
I don't pre-judge ANY possibilities, what I hated last week may turn out to be my favorite for today.
My latest experience was a Say So survey that I successfully completed. Boy was it ever nice to see the ptc page. I won't necessarily go to Say So the next time because I may not qualify, so I'll have to get creative and make something else work.
For me it's never a question of if something will credit, it is more like what can I do that will credit.
I don't pre-judge ANY possibilities, what I hated last week may turn out to be my favorite for today.
This is wise advise if one want to continue here. I am going to have to find some new favorites.
I try a lot of different things and will retry things that didn't work before, because you never know when they may prove useful
I'm with oldbuddy. I will take what I can get
I'm with oldbuddy, too. Just about the time I think I have a "for sure" offer thaht will let me qualify for the PTC every day, that offer either goes away or quits working, so I take what I can get. Top Coupons works randomly, so I try it.... right now I need one more cent to do the PTC --- I will find it!
I do the FC Surveys. It is sometimes hard to qualify for them sometimes, but I have found that it is the easiest way to get your five cents in.
I have been relying on FC surveys but that is like grinding your teeth. Most of the time I always get a DQ. Let's think about it? Here is my profile.
I am disabled
I don't smoke
I don't drink
I don't "have a job"
I don't have a "job title"
The things that are repetitive to me is age, race, where I live, how much household income I have. male or female. It's pretty much it. I get DQed every time. My luck that I find that one survey that pays me over $1 is once in a blue moon. Wonder why I don't like surveys?
I'm new to the Forum but am trying to reply to the fellow who mentioned that he always gets disqualified.
I have found that this happens a lot to me also. It kind of takes practice to figure out which Surveys actually pay and which ones "ditch you".
Just keep trying and there are many other Survey sites that do pay more fairly.
(I always take a screenshot and if I don't get compensated, I sent an email with screenshot attached and they always come through for me.
I have made $200 so far.
Hope this helps!
Good luck! 😃
I have been having a hard time qualifying lately. Everything I try doesn't work out for me, frustrating.
Partly why my handle is "clickers" is because I do a lot of clicking! When I'm on here I click around until I find something that works for me in that moment. Things are always changing so we need to go with what works in the :present:.
I am with oldbuddy on this one, I try everything, I have been pretty lucky with FC surveys, yesterday My thoughts Count approved me for a $1 survey, that had not happened in a long time. Today Peanut gave me a 25 cents survey and I got a 0.90 cents from FC.
So, true. You have to click around to find something that works for you. It can be frustrating though not making any money, but you just have to keep trying.
Hey everyone,
Just looking for tips or advice on how to pop PTC without using Tap/tasks/coupons/watching TV?
Maybe try doing those Explore New Websites Now surveys. All you have to do on this website is just view different websites. It is really easy to get to the 5 cents. Hope this helps!
I have been relying on FC surveys but that is like grinding your teeth. Most of the time I always get a DQ. Let's think about it? Here is my profile.
I am disabled
I don't smoke
I don't drink
I don't "have a job"
I don't have a "job title"
The things that are repetitive to me is age, race, where I live, how much household income I have. male or female. It's pretty much it. I get DQed every time. My luck that I find that one survey that pays me over $1 is once in a blue moon. Wonder why I don't like surveys?
Since you say you get DQ'd a lot and Fusioncash is one of the few places that pay us anyway, it does make me wonder why you don't like them. Just today (it's not over yet) I made 42 cents on surveys and dq's and yesterday I made 44 cents. Once in a while I do hit a good one and make a buck or two.
Hey everyone,
Just looking for tips or advice on how to pop PTC without using Tap/tasks/coupons/watching TV?
Maybe try doing those Explore New Websites Now surveys. All you have to do on this website is just view different websites. It is really easy to get to the 5 cents. Hope this helps!
Ok, this helps. This is good to look into
Printing coupons and fox video got me to the nickel I needed.
Thanks for the tips. It looks like I will have to loo for other offers, although I love Tap Surveys!
When I first started with FC they had short videos on products you could watch and then get credit for them. They have not had those in a very long time and I sure miss them.