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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: aggie49 on January 06, 2016, 03:56:19 pm
i would love to go and live in italy where most of my family lives or hawaii visited there 2 times and always thought it was so beautiful there
There are lots of beautiful countries, but if I had to choose where to live I would choose USA. I know we have our problems, but I think this is the best country!
I love the state I live in KY-- but wouldn't mind living in myrtle beach I love when I vacation there and I don't want to come home-- I can breath better when I am near the ocean no sinuses or etc...
Id live in a hometown buffet, wouldn't matter where it was located.
By a body of water not necessarily the ocean a lake would do.
I would live in a new house that my wife and I would have built on a lot across town that we both love.
Pretty much anywhere abroad wether thats in Rome or Romania I would just enjoy seeing other cultures.
I would live near Myrtle Beach South Carolina in a small home. That's a dream and only a state away from family.
I want to live on a beach where it is warm all year round. If I needed a job I would rent umbrella's on the beach.
Somewhere cold like Canada or Russia....Or somewhere with a lot of engineering jobs like Germany or Japan
Where I live now in Ma is where I ALWAYS want to live....there is no place like home :)
Right here where I am now, close to most of our grandkids.
I have to agree with Old Buddy, here were the grand-baby is. I would follow them if they every move.
Would not want to live outside the US because of the situation in the world not that there aren't problems here but I would like to live in NC - the mountains are so beautiful but I am a Florida girl so - maybe I can go to NC on vacation this year.
I would love to live in island with our family.
I'm vsery happy with where I live now, but if I had an option, I would choose near my family.
Hilo, Hawaii is where I have my sites set on living one day ~ I just hope I make it before I am too old to enjoy it!
anywhere warm...where i live in sc its cold..and not as cold as other places...but i dont so well in the cold..definitely wouldnt live anywhere colder than we get..and we are kinds out of the way of most storms..most...we usually catch the end results like the rain or ice...
I love living in Nova Scotia Canada. I am not living where I would prefer though. My hometown is almost an hour from where I live right now. I hope I can in the future get a 2nd home there or retire there at least.
I would live where I would have a lakefront with access on one side of my home and on the other side I would have a path into and through beautiful wooded property/trails; serenity; nature
I think I would like to at least visit Belize to see why so many people want to live there. I'm sure the atmosphere is pleasant but I hear it's quite expensive but, if I win the lottery, well, I just might make a trip there!!
This is a difficult question for me. My husband and I are both recently retired and have discussed moving. There are times I want to live near the beach but then there are times I want to live in the mountains of NC. I'm a person who loves having 4 seasons. Not sure I want to live somewhere where it's always warm. Something about snow and snuggling up in front of a fireplace that is appealing to us. I do know we will move, not sure when or where, but that's the advantage of being retired, we can wait until we find the perfect place.
Of course the United States of America!!!! :thumbsup:
As cheesy as it is, it would be wherever my partner is. As long as I have someone I care for with me I'll go just about anywhere.
I'm thinking the Carribean.... but need to do more checking into it. :)
By a nearby medium sized body of water.
Some place warm all year. I used to live in Hawaii I miss it sometimes. I'd definitely move back when I win the lotto.
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